eye fungus on my betta???

Johnny V

Fish Fanatic
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
amherst mass USA
My male betta a few days ago developed a nasty case of fungus i think. He had this white coat on his eyeball and white stuff coming out of the side of his mouth. And a white thing of gunk between his mouth and eye. I upped the salt by half again and started treating with melafix and now the fungus is almost gone. This took place over the course of 3 or 4 days. There is still a tiny bit on his eye. It seems that the salt and mela fix are working wonders (so :p to all you melafix nonbelievers) but I was wondering what that was, and what I can do to speed up recovery. :dunno: Thanks - john
Cloudy eye that can be due to bad water quality , white stuff coming out of his mouth do you mean it looked white his mouth if so its mouth fungus, columnaris, columnaris hates salt so you did the right thing adding it to the tank, you could also of done a salt bath on the fish.
Also what are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
both are negligible. Close to zero, also, water quality is ok, did a 20% water change (well, more like 15%... lol i got lazy) 5 days ago. I gonna do a 30% change today before I reintroduce him into the tank. Also, (stupid question but....) How much salt constitutes a salt bath? I have a super well filtered 1 gallon tank he's in now. How much salt should i put in to make it a 'salt bath'? thanks
I tablespoon should be fine.
i have tons of really healthy plants and no algea, so i must assume my nitrAtes are low (my test kit doesnt test for nitrAtes). my PH is around a 7 i think (im a little color blind [makes testing tricky hahahaha sometimes i have to call my gf in to double check lol])

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