Extremely Nocturnal Cats?


New Member
May 10, 2009
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Hey guys. Here I am with another problem/question. About a week and and a half ago I purchased 2 new catfish, a Striped Raphael and a Spotted Raphael cat. When I first put them in they both zipped around the tank like I dropped a toaster in there. I also purchased some decor when I got the 2 cats because I did a lot of reading before I got them and everything I read said they love hiding and are nocturnal so they only come out when the light goes off. I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot but I did not spend 20 bucks on 2 fish so I could NOT see them. Even during feeding all my fish that love hiding come out to eat except these two. I am very worried that they will die if this behavior doesn't stop. What I have been doing is throwing in some extra sinking carnivore pellets and turning the lights off. I will wait about 2hrs then turn the light back on and all the food is gone but the two Raphael cats are no where to be found. Last night I wanted to see what would happen if the 2 shy cats had no place to hide, so I took out all the decor in the tank except for a plant i have suctioned to the side of the tank for my Tire Track Eel to hang around in. These 2 weird cats just kept trying to hide under one another but neither would have it. So they kept doing this thing where they go mouth to mouth and swim as fast as they can but neither goes anywhere. Eventually they just gave up and the smaller one (spotted raphael) went up into the plant with my eel and the larger one stays on the bottom in a corner. Oh i forgot to mention I moved my thermometer because they were also using it as a hiding place because it was near the corner of the tank so they would wedge themselves between the thermometer and the side of the tank and just stay there all day without moving at all. I am wondering if there is anyway to get them used to the light and being out and about during the day or should I just put everything back in the tank and just keep feeding extra so hopefully they come out and eat it once the lights are out? I also have a Pictus cat and a Channel cat...I would like to see more of my beautiful Raphael cats...someone please help me!!
Simple - arrange the decor so the most inviting hidey-holes are facing forwards.

Also don't deprive them of places to hide - they will just get stressed which can cause disease or even death.

Give them time, let them get used to you and feeding regimes, mine come right out the front even with the light on now - like hoovers! They are nocturnal so you may want to invest in moonlights or red lights if you want to see them at their most outgoing but they will come out more once they are at ease - just give them a chance.
P.s. I use slate caves facing forward - nice and dark but facing forward so you can see the fish most of the time.
P.s. I use slate caves facing forward - nice and dark but facing forward so you can see the fish most of the time.

it took my syno six months before he decided I could see him more than 10 minutes a week. i was worried he was not eating but he is huge now so he obviously had more than his fair share of food. as stated previously give it time!

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