Extremely Angry With Lfs And Family


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2012
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So i've had my betta tank (1.5 gallons) for about a month or two now. Its growing algae like crazy. Every inch of the tank has algae on it so my mom and dad want me to get something to clean the tank. Well i explained to them that you can only have shrimp or a snail for the tank and since bettas will most likely eat the shrimp i told them a snail was our only option because the tanks too small for any other fish. So my parents today said ok were going to the pet store and you pick out the fish/snail/shrimp that should go in the tank because we want to see the betta (Colby whos a Male Veiltail). So we go to pet supplies plus where i live and im checking out the tanks for an otocinclus that could go in the tank and then go in my 29g when he gets too big/cleans all the algae. So as im looking my dad calls over a worker and he picks out a COMMON PLECO. I've told my dad several times that common pleco's get 2 feet long and we already have one thats almost a foot in our 26gallon tank. The plecos going in my friends pond but jut cause were doing that my dad thinks its ok to buy another and put that in the pond when it gets too big too. So he picks it out and im looking at some of the new fish they just got in. They got torpedo barbs and some new cories so i look at the cories. I see 2 axelrodi corydoras, 2 panda corydoras, and 3 julii corydoras. I ask the guy for the 2 pandas and i point them out. So he scoops up one panda and one julii and begins to bag them until i tell them that its a julii not a panda. So he scoops the other panda and puts in it the bag and takes out the julii and as hes scooping out the julii he half-@$$ holds his hand under the net to "prevent the fish from jumping" then the fish falls out of the net onto the ground and he picks it up and throws it back into the tank. So then i check out and i tell them im going to order otocinclus tomorrow and they told me when to call and i go home. Remember im still angry about my dad buying a common pleco. So im putting my fish in their tanks acclimating and that stuff and i go downstairs to check on my betta to see what my dad did with the pleco. I see the pleco already in the tank after 5 or so minutes. Not acclimated at all. Then i ask my dad what he did with the bag water and he says he just dumped the bag in the tank with the fish. So now im extremely angry with not just the LFS but my family too. Ive probably explained to them millions of times about this yet they still dont listen. What im going to try to do is get my otocinclus' ordered monday and bring the pleco back without my dad noticing. Gosh, im just so ticked off i had to tell some people who'd understand. And the last time i went to the other LFS this family has a 10gallon in their cart and they tell the employee that they want a pleco so he shows them the 3 plecos they have. ALbino bristlenose, bristlenose, and common. And they gave some hints that this is their first tank and he bags up a common pleco and off they go. Also in the same day the guy left the tank lid open so an expensive saltwater fish jumped out. I think it was a wrasse but i couldnt see with all the people in the way. Has anyone experienced something like me or am i just the only one?
chill and relax, its not healthy to get this worked up over a situation like this,
i would suggest having a beer, but going by your post it does not sound like you are old enough to drink
LOL, Classic story. Man, If you were to ask people that work for LFS what questions they get asked you'll hear far worse.
chill and relax, its not healthy to get this worked up over a situation like this,
i would suggest having a beer, but going by your post it does not sound like you are old enough to drink
Mikey1 said:
chill and relax, its not healthy to get this worked up over a situation like this,
i would suggest having a beer, but going by your post it does not sound like you are old enough to drink
Yeah im 15 haha is soda a good substitute?
You have to understand that the fish store is there to make a profit so they will not turn someone away from buying a fish that won't work for a tank. It's silly, but that's what happens. Lfs just want to make a profit, especially the big box ones. If you see them not taking care of their fish then don't shop there, I remember reading on here a few years ago that someone bought a red tail because it was too large for the tank and they felt sorry for it, that's kinda what the fish store wants, people who feel sorry for their sickly fish so they will buy it and then the store can get more sickly fish. It's sad, but its what happens.

As for the family, just keep trying to incorporate them into the hobby and maybe one day they will come around and become more interested in it and will want to educate themselves.
i know exactly how you feel about your family. i'm the only one in my household that knows anything about fish keeping and they all act like they know it all. well it sure shows when your brothers tank looks like the swamp and your tank looks like a heavenly pond :)
i'm only 14 so kinda close to your age and i'm the youngest but the most knowledgeable person in my house :)
It's tough telling Dad what to do when he's got the wallet. But just keep subtly working on your tank and making it the best tank on earth. Then later you can tell him you did it all despite some of the things he's done. 
Poor pleco. At this rate I'll be kind of surprised if he lives. 
Hey, you could tell your dad if he really wants a pleco he should buy a 100 gallon tank for it. 
This Old Spouse said:
It's tough telling Dad what to do when he's got the wallet. But just keep subtly working on your tank and making it the best tank on earth. Then later you can tell him you did it all despite some of the things he's done. 
Poor pleco. At this rate I'll be kind of surprised if he lives. 
Hey, you could tell your dad if he really wants a pleco he should buy a 100 gallon tank for it. 
Actually i have to pay for all my tank stuff. My parents thought itd be a 100$ or less for the whole tank but i eventually went bigger and better so it got expensive so nwo i gotta buy my stuff. My dad wanted to build his own tank but once he found out that it would cost alot for the thicker glass he decided not to. I showed him a 40 gallon that would fit exactly where he wants a tank but he wants it to be taller.
Im gonna try to sneak the pleco back and get our money and hopefully he wont notice til i get the otto i told him would go in there. I wish he wouldve at least picked the bristlenose.
I know it doesn't help, but I'm on your side. Your tank, your money, your choices. That's only fair. 

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