Extreme Aquarium Bridge


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
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I was surfing today and came across these pictures. Now thats an aquarium bridge! Anyone gonna try it XD .
Aquarium Bridge
Thats the biggest bridge I've seen!
It practically takes up the entire room!
I dont think I'll attempt that.
I'm paranoid about my slightly unlevel 200ltr tank as it is, without having that hanging over my head!!! It's amazing though - lucky fish. Best not show the crew, they'll be asking for one next Christmas...
Accually I have seen all of those pictures on a post here before. If I remember correctly, a few members DID indeed try to build something alpong those lines..... but , scaled down of course!!!
thats so sweet i wanna do that!! have it from my 20 gallon tank in my room to the 55 gallon tank in the other room! :D
thye look kewl but im wondering how the water stays in the bridges..... anyone know the science to this?
yep there sure is!

it's all about suction. the pipe is installed into the (full of water) tanks.

the air is then sucked out of the pipes, causing water to rush in..... (you would have to keep adding to the tanks to keep this working)

then once the pipes are full..... the ends MUST stay under the water or the suction is broken and the water would be replaced with air rushing in and would over flow the tanks......
wouldnt it be great if that were hooked up to a huge breeding tank of guppy to a huge tank with 1 predator in it? make it look natural, and it would be like what happens in nature

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