Extra 10 gallon tank


New Member
Nov 1, 2003
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Salt Lake City Utah
:*) I have a extra 10 gallon tank That has been in use for a long time My son had put a greenterror in there and from the questions I have been posting everyone told me they get huge So I gave him to a neighbor that has a 75 gallon tank. I have an empty tank that I need to fill. I keep african cichlids in my other tanks and I know they are to big for a little 10 gallon. Does anyone have any ideas for me On how to stock this tank for my son,He was quite sad when I told him that his greenterror gets to big for his tank.So I want to surprize him....With some cool fish. Ginger
I have a ten gallon tank that has Platys and Corys. I like both types of fish very much! The Platys are colorful. The Corys are a lot of fun to watch. My favorite Corys are the Panda Corys :) One of my Bettas is also in the 10 gallon right now, along with my Plec (that I bought before I knew it would get too big for a 10 gallon). So, my recommendations are Corys and Platys (or Mollies, Guppies, or Swordtails).

Let us know what you decide!

aka Lizard
Ok ! Some fish that your son might really like are Blood Fin Tetra's. There very neat looking. Also a few black skirt tetra are nice for a 10 gal tank. Make sure to put in some kind of gravel , plants , and a air stone so the fish can live !

Good Luck !
Does he like eels? If he does you should get him a fresh water fire bellied eel. If not that gouramis are cool! B) :D Of course he wouldn't be able to get to many more fish but it is worth a shot!
I just stocked a 10G for my niece. It has 1 powder blue dwarf gourami, 6 neon tetras and 2 ruby barbs, 2 apple snails and 4 ghost shrimp. It's a red, white and blue theme tank. The snails clean the glass and the shrimp clean up any extra food that falls to the bottom.
Beat me to it OC, get some Dwarf Puffers, they're great, soooo cute :wub: and loads of character, wouldn't be without my puffers now :)
Hey, Thanks guys and gals I will let every one know what I decide. I didnt realize I could put so many small fish in a 10 gallon. Thanks again everyone? Ginger :cool:

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