Extra 10 Gallon Setup Ideas


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver WA (US)
So I have an extra 10 gallon fish tank that has been setting in my girlfriends room for awhile but never started to cycle it. I am planning on putting to together in the next 2 days and am curious as to what I should do with it stocking and look wise. Currently its has a simple Stingray 5 internal filter which has the Zeolite taken out and basic filter foam in its place. I am debating on what type of filter would be ideal. I am buying a mini Canister filter for the tank:


I am also planning to use tank this time as well. I also am debating between a fishless cycle or using media from my other tanks. The reason I am debating using media from my 30 is I am still stocking it. In the next to days I plan to introduce a Opaline Gourami to my 30 and for the time being complete my stocking. My 10 gallon DP tank could spare some but I am worried about taking to much since one part of the filtration is 2 old Marineland Biowheel pads. I could just toss the tetra whisper in the new tank and I am guessing that would instantly cycle the tank since the media is 6-8 months old but am worried that may cause a mini cycle even though the other media is at least 5 months old. I dont have alot or decor at the moment either and not alot of money. I have a bbridge and a small cave. I lack money for live plants and the lighting as well. Would it matter a whole lot at the moment or should I wait until I can decorate more then this?

Stocking wise I plan to take the 2 Platy and 5 Bloodfin tetras into the 10 gallon. My final ideal stocking for the 10 would be:

5 Bloodfin
2 Hi-Fin Platy
7 Cory

Not sure if I could have more then this? I would like to bring 1-2 Molly from the 30 into there as well.

If that works I also will debate what else to have my 30 since excluding bottom feeders that leave me with only

1 Keyhole
3-4 Molly
1 Opaline Gourami

What would be some good options to fill in the empty space then?

Soooo opions?
I wouldn't put tetras in less then in a 10 gallon to little space for swimming what about boraras bridgittae
Well the 10 gallon mainly is for moving some stock out of my 30 so I can have some more options there. Perhaps:

2 Platy (both female)
2 Male Molly
7 Cory

Trying to separate the sexes since I have 2 Male and 2 Female Molly in my 30, although babies would be eaten before i could save anyways. Also the Mollies are my girlfriends so I have to keep them no matter what.

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