External For A Rio 125


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2004
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I would like to place an external filter to my Rio 125.

Reading other posts the Tetratec range seems to be well thought of, and ticks many boxes, including being quiet, so I am leaning towards getting one of those.

Would I have to make any modifications to my Rio lid though?
Also, do these fit into the Jewel cabinet?

Any advice would be much appreciated.. :good:
I have heard bad reports about the primer on many externals, and with my temper thats really a bad combination.... :blush:

Tetratec seems to be OK in that respect, so if I get one, hopefully it won't get thrown through a window..... :lol:
Yeah the tetratec primers are excellent, i would get the EX700 if it fits in ur cabinet and if not, the EX600.

For the difference in price between the 600 and 700 i would go for it!

All the best, Adam :good:
I think I will have to remove the shelf, but that's not a big deal.
I will also need to cut a hole into the lid, which I am not quite so keen on... :blink:
I have been told that the inlet/outlet tubes will fit through the gap on Jewel aquariums.

Is this really true, because it doesn't look very large to me... :unsure:
The Fluval and Rena Pipe sets fit on the Record range, and they are the same size. I would expect the pipes of the TT's to get into a Rio also, as there is more wrigling room with them, especially with the flap design on the back :nod:
I have been told that the inlet/outlet tubes will fit through the gap on Jewel aquariums.

Is this really true, because it doesn't look very large to me... :unsure:

i know the tetratec ex600 pipes fit nicely on the rio 125 thats wot im using :)

ehiem pipes fit in the cutout no probs had an ex700 what i sold on here on a rio 180 without cutting the lid.

depending what holders/suckers you use. iirc thay come with long an short ones you may need clearance behind the tank.
Many thanks for your advice guys.

I guess that me and my flexible friend are going shopping tomorrow..... :good:

Oh the other question I wanted to ask, was if the EX700 fit in the Rio cabinet or do you have to remove the shelf..??

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