External Filters


WHAT! You went over my Helmet!
Aug 9, 2004
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Hi folks right I have two tanks, a vision 180 and a clearseal 120 litre 4ft. I have two external filters, well one at the mo and one coming next week. The vision 180 I got from a friend and it came with a sera 1100 external filter. next week I am getting a tetra tec 1200 external filter as well, to go on the 4ft tank. but would I be better swapping them over and put the tetra tec on the vision 180 and the sera on the 120 litre. Or is it six and half a dozen. Also if I moved over the sera would it just be a case of unplug and plug straight back in or would I have to totally clean the filter. (just with the different tank conditions)

cheers chish
not familiar with those particular filters so can't say which one is best for which tank

but yes even with different conditions you can just unplug the filters and move them round, the bacteria should be the same unless you are transferring from FW to SW
Hello again miss wiggle, are you following me lol. Magic, I think I will swap them over as the mbuna tank will be overstocked, might as well stick on the best filter.
yes i'm stalking you

just finisihed a massive project that's taken 18 months, now my boss is on leave for the next 3 weeks..... just putting my feet up tbh! lol
lol quite right, I put my feet up most days when the boss isn't looking lol. I suppose it is six and two three's because no matter which filter I use, they are both for a tank 3 times bigger. I think they should turn the water over at least 10 times an hour.
lol well there you go then, although i never trust the manufacturers recommendations for tank size, always think they're a little ummm optomistic! :rolleyes:

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