External Filter


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
west bromwich
i have a four foot tank,currently has fluval 4+ filter in it,was wondering wether or not it would be better to run a external?all fish fine & happy in tank,do regular water changes,all ph,nitrite,nitrate etc levels are checked weekly,all fine,just wondering if it was worth changing over or not?& if so,whats the best external to look for & fairly cheap,many thanks :good:
It it aint broke why change it?

I much prefer external filters, however as i said why spend money you dont need to?
It it aint broke why change it?

I much prefer external filters, however as i said why spend money you dont need to?

I agree... I ran tanks with internals for decades with little problem, but have to say externals look neater and are a lot easier to maintain.
Me too, ran internals and HOBs for years. Externals make tanks prettier and the filters are easier to maintain, so will be a good choice at some point, but a bigger, better reason will come along and I wouldn't change until then.
One of the best reasons for an external filter is the added capacity to deal with bioload.
With that you only need to clean it about once every 6 months and it takes about 10 minutes to clean at that.

But, if what you have works well and has been then don't bother.
im soon to be upgrading to a 4ft tank and i shall be running a Eheim 2217 plus (1000LPH not usualy 600LPH) as im currently using a eheim aquaball and tbh i cannto fault it, but i think anything bigger than 2ft needs a external,

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