Stephanie p
Fish Crazy
Hello, can anyone point me in the right direction for a good external filter for a 50 litre tank?
Many thanks
Many thanks
Do you know anywhere where i can get one at a good price?
They all seem quite expensive
Do you know anywhere where i can get one at a good price?
They all seem quite expensive
External canisters are more expensive. They are more expensive for a reason and that's because they are so much better than internal filters. The media trays in TetraTec's are absolutely brilliant.
This is where I got one of my TetraTec EX1200's from (got a spare one lol). Very good place, very cheap compared to street prices. They do all decent makes but I would very highly recommend TetraTec. A friend of mine was using a Fluval 405 for about 6 months and after seeing my tank and how clear it was, he went out and bought 3 EX1200's for each of his tanks which are 100l, 200l, and 360l.
I use an EX1200 on my 108l tank, really overpowered but I like the water clear. I use a Fluval 205 on my 60l, again complete overkill but I want the water in that tank as clean as possible as it's a fry tank. I hate the Fluval but I bought it for the 108l before deciding it was crap and wasn't coping well at all with 108l even though it's rated for 200l.
I would say the EX600 also for a 50l tank. Overkill yes, but it'll put through enough water to keep the tank crystal clear and cycled.
Hope that helps
if it says EHIEM on the box then you no its a great filter
cheap is not always the best
a filter is the most important bit of kit you will ever buy for your tank dont cut corners