External Filter - Why Won't It Work?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I bought it today a big one can't think of make off top of head

I've set it up with filter on floor and in and out pipes in the tank above.~( same as my fluval external in another tank)

I've filled filter and pipes have only got water in to the level of the water. no mattrer how much I suck the out pipe to get a syphon going it won't and water just remains in pipes at the level of the water. when I turn filter on it makes no difference. I'm probably making a simple error. ( or the filter won't work in my current set up)

any advice where I'm going wrong

when I try and suck out pipe it draws water to water level!!

both taps on in and out pipe are open
empty the filter of water. Have the intake hose in the tank and the return or outlet hose in a bucket next to the filter. Suck on the outlet hose and leave the filter to fill with water. When it is full the water should start coming out of the return hose into the bucket. Allow the water to flow into the bucket until it is almost full. Then put the return hose in the tank and turn the filter on. Pour the bucket of water back in the tank.

If that doesn't work then empty the filter and take the motor off the filter case. Now turn the motor on and see if the impellor is actually spinning.

Also check the oring and seals, if they aren't fitted properly you will get an air leak and the vacumm won't work. The filter will leak air and not pump water.
need the make here. some externals need priming, even if the pipes are full. till we know exactly what you've got any advice would be shooting in the dark. must admit the same goes for you.
sound I'll try the bucket routine see if that works
you only need the drain pipe full of water if the return pupe is full on water the air in the filter has no way of getting out
empty the filter of water. Have the intake hose in the tank and the return or outlet hose in a bucket next to the filter. Suck on the outlet hose and leave the filter to fill with water. When it is full the water should start coming out of the return hose into the bucket. Allow the water to flow into the bucket until it is almost full. Then put the return hose in the tank and turn the filter on. Pour the bucket of water back in the tank.

your a star. I took the out pipe put it in a bucket and as soon as it came lower down it came gushing out, I switched pump on and put it back in and its been flowing freely ever since. cheers for that

its a renasun or something. I did have bumf in pocket but mislaid it and its too cold and wet to go back to garage!!
your a star. I took the out pipe put it in a bucket and as soon as it came lower down it came gushing out, I switched pump on and put it back in and its been flowing freely ever since. cheers for that

its a renasun or something. I did have bumf in pocket but mislaid it and its too cold and wet to go back to garage!!

great glad you are sorted, dig the instructions out when you have time, they may well tell you how to prime the filter without all the fuss, next time it is needed. i dont know that filter, though Resun is a Chinese manufacturer of aquarium filters so that it may be one of theirs.
your a star. I took the out pipe put it in a bucket and as soon as it came lower down it came gushing out, I switched pump on and put it back in and its been flowing freely ever since. cheers for that

its a renasun or something. I did have bumf in pocket but mislaid it and its too cold and wet to go back to garage!!

great glad you are sorted, dig the instructions out when you have time, they may well tell you how to prime the filter without all the fuss, next time it is needed. i dont know that filter, though Resun is a Chinese manufacturer of aquarium filters so that it may be one of theirs.

I had primed it following their instructions with a hand pump that was included but it didn't do the job

Its a Resun filter which will have to do for now cos my car has buggered up yesterday which will cost me cash as wel1!

cheers againl
your a star. I took the out pipe put it in a bucket and as soon as it came lower down it came gushing out, I switched pump on and put it back in and its been flowing freely ever since. cheers for that

its a renasun or something. I did have bumf in pocket but mislaid it and its too cold and wet to go back to garage!!

great glad you are sorted, dig the instructions out when you have time, they may well tell you how to prime the filter without all the fuss, next time it is needed. i dont know that filter, though Resun is a Chinese manufacturer of aquarium filters so that it may be one of theirs.

I had primed it following their instructions with a hand pump that was included but it didn't do the job

Its a Resun filter which will have to do for now cos my car has buggered up yesterday which will cost me cash as wel1!

cheers againl

lol, i see no reason it should not do the job, i have a cheap external, though not Chinese, its 4 years old and keeps the tank well filtered, and has never failed. true some of the accessories are a bit fragile, though cheap to replace, it has performed faultlessly.

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