External filter Whats the best ?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Loftus.. ( near redcar, middlesbrough )
Reason i'm asking is cause i'm Gona get a Breeding Pair of Oscar's and i know there is alot of waste so hence asking for best filters Also Best filter and Size i will need

Thank's in Advance
Your tank is a little small for two oscars you'l want over 100 gallons

You should go with a cannister-but from here it's mostly opinion, but ehiems are definately best but a little expensive

Otherwise your looking at minimally
Fluval 304 - even better a 404
Rena Xp2
Ehiem Pro II 2026
Ehiem ECCO 223539
Ehiem Classic 2215
Thank's for reply m8 , been lookin round and i like the look of PENN-PLAX CASCADE 1000 anyone know if there any good only cause i have had a Cascade 700 internal one for a long time and never had any sort problem ?

Thank's again for the reply and i will look into all the filter's u said as well
Well I don't know much about them but skyo42 (i think) just bought some for his 125, so they can't be a bad choice, like I said though there isn't much difference in terms of performance, reliability and ease of use become the main thing to consider
As for your filtration, I would go with dual filters (also dual heaters), one on each end of the tank, rather than a single filter. It helps circulate the water better and if my chance one happens to have a problem, you still have some filtration. Also, with the extra messy oscars, you need extra filtration. I am running 2 Fluval 304s on my 75 gallon and they are great. I would definitely recommend them. I also mentioned heaters. I am also running Hydor Inline heaters with the Fluvals. Those are a little more expensive but work great. It's also something else that is out of the tank so you don't have to look at the heater sticking on the back glass.
Get an eheim, the rest are miles away in terms of build quality.

I had one for nearly 10 years and still absolutely silent
maestro said:
Get an eheim, the rest are miles away in terms of build quality.

I had one for nearly 10 years and still absolutely silent
I haven't tried those but I will add that the Fluvals are dead silent too. If you couldn't see the plants moving, you wouldn't know they were running.
Just upgraded from a 204 to a 404, it's a bit too powerful for my tank but at least it's doing the job!!!!!!

Couldn't recommend them more! Yea, 304 is good, 404 better and for £120 (404) it's a bargain!!!!
I've never tried anything else so perhaps I'm bias but my Eheim 2026 for my 55 gallon works great.
what about the TT ex1200? i have heard good things and bad things about all of the mentioned filters, so it entirely your choice, on price, output, size of the 'bucket' etc
At this rate William will be getting the title "Resurrector Extraordinaire" ! :lol:

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