External Filter Piping Browning Up.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
If I recall, I have inquired about this problem on here before, yet the issues has not gone away.

Ever since getting my Tetratec EX600, the piping to and from the filter canister, and the rigid plastic 'shoulder' units (as I call them) that hang over the back of the tank connecting the spraybar/strainer to the piping have been rapidly turning brown and clogging up; diminishing my water flow, looking disgusting and being a pain to clean.

I heard that glass connectors rather than plastic may help - any thought? Where could these be sourced?

Or, does anyone have any other tips? I've tried regulating the feeding a bit better, more water changes, tank additives etc etc, and nothing's working.

Any idea?

Cheers. :)
i have clear pipe on my Eheim 2026 and it was proper brown like algae on the inside didn't look nice at all.

i just took the pipes off and connected them to my hose and wacked it on full it soon blasted all the crap through and cleaned them out :)
Sweet, I shall try that.

Any ideas about stopping it from coming back though? The over-tank shoulder connector things are a pain to clean.
Sweet, I shall try that.

Any ideas about stopping it from coming back though? The over-tank shoulder connector things are a pain to clean.

I think that if you change them to greem tubing that they will not suffer from this problem, I think it's something to do with not letting the light in.

I don't know how to stop it from appearing in the "over-tank shoulder connector", if it is to do with the light you could colour them or coat them in something that is aquarium friendly, maybe black aquarium silicon.

I hope someone more knowledgeable answers this as I am suffering from the same thing and would like to know if what I have been told is correct or not.
I doubt very much that the colour will make any difference... apart from darker colour makes it harder to see ! :lol:

When mine get gunked up I use a "pull through" - remove the pipes and feed a length of string through them - then tie on a rag, and pull it through !
might need a couple of passes, but they come up good as new.... certainly wouldnt wait until flow rate is effected.
I find that getting them really clean helps - leaves less "roughness" for the stuff to cling to.

Might be worth bleaching them out afterwards.... but you MUST rinse, rinse and rinse some more - then flush with dechlor.
I doubt very much that the colour will make any difference... apart from darker colour makes it harder to see ! :lol:

When mine get gunked up I use a "pull through" - remove the pipes and feed a length of string through them - then tie on a rag, and pull it through !
might need a couple of passes, but they come up good as new.... certainly wouldnt wait until flow rate is effected.
I find that getting them really clean helps - leaves less "roughness" for the stuff to cling to.

Might be worth bleaching them out afterwards.... but you MUST rinse, rinse and rinse some more - then flush with dechlor.
Thats my method too. pull a rag on a coat hanger so i can twist the rag as it goes through.

I also have tinted clear pipes so it does'e notice when you see it from a distance making it look good even when dirty.

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