External Filter Help


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi, i have just had my aqua pro1 SP filter delivered. it has two trays, one had just floss in it and the other just a sponge. i have put the sponge and floss into tray one as there is masses of room (floss on top!) and in the bottom tray i would
like to have some ceramic media.

however, it comes in a little bag with holes in it, do i take it out of the bag (i think i do but want to be sure).
at the mo, its saoking in the sink and fizzing for some reason! but i just need some help.

Bio-ceramics can "fizz" when you put them into water for the first time, due to air trapped in their pores. Nothing to worry about, it should stop soon :good:

Most media of this mature is supplied in media bags. Whether you keep the media in said bags, or take it out, is entirely up to you, but I take it out :nod:

You will find the ceramics work best in the top tray, so that the mechanical filters remove any muck before the water gets to said media. This prevents the pores clogging as fast, keeping the media more efficient and also reduces the regularlity of cleaning the main bio-media and hence the likelyhood of any mini-cycles after cleaning. The opposit if true for mechanical (or pre) ceramic media. Of caurse, the order you run with is your choice ;)

right, i have taken it out, so thanks for that, and i will swap the trays over.

i now cannot work out how to fit all the pipeowrk, i have looked on the internet for instructions for the aquapro 1SP. (as i did not come with any)
Fear my Photoshop skills :ninja:


Not sure how the spraybars connect to each other though... The other end of the taps I'd imagine go on the filter. Rubber things could very well be spare parts.
yeah, apprently i dont need all the pipeowrk, i will use what i need, like i think the spray bar is a spare etc, the same with the walking stick shaped thing.

im clueless about the O ring things, they baffle me tbh.

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