External Filter For Nano...


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi all, basically title says it all. My first nano experience was a bit of a disaster (some years back when it all started up), but I want to try it again as space is so limited where I stay at present.

I'll be purchasing a 12" cube, and would ideally like an external filter (not to spoil the internal look with too much clutter!).

In my short bit of researching I've come accross:

Boyu EF-05
Eden 501
tetratec ex600
Resun CY20

I want an external because last time I tried 'hang on' filters, all three purchases I made (different models) packed in very quickly (costing me a dwarf puffer).

The Eden looks the 'best' but, to be honest, is out of the price range I can justify for such a small project.

The tank will be planted, and will probably house either another dwarf puffer, or a Betta.

Any help appreciated!
Hi there, thanks :D

3 of the ones on that list are available new at ~£20, which is why i worry that they will just break (being cheap).
Say whaaaat...
Ok yea, I would be worried too to be honest.
I recently learnt my lesson when buying external filters, I bought an Interpet EPF 150 for my 64L tank. It worked perfectly fine for all of 3 months and then decided it didn't want to filter anymore, there's £35 wasted. So now I have an Eheim 2215 and couldn't be happier.

Moral of the story, when it comes to filtration, price shouldn't be the first thing you think about (although it does help lol).
Yeah, on my main tanks I always use big Fluval externals, becuase, they are just awesome nowadays, and make life so much easier.

Hmmm I may have to bite the bullet then and invest in a decent one, bah! :D cheers!
Yeah deffo :D

Still desciding on occupants for the tank.

its a betta (If I can find a decent one nowadays without resorting to internet order)
Dwarf puffer
or croaking gouramis...
Yeah deffo :D

Still desciding on occupants for the tank.

its a betta (If I can find a decent one nowadays without resorting to internet order)
Dwarf puffer
or croaking gouramis...

Croaking Gourami's hand down.
My personal favourite out of the 3 there, but it's up to you.

And also,
FX5? Seriously? it's 12" not 12ft..
Yeah that does seem OTT... the FX5 is huge...

Unless you were refering to my earlier comment about using large fluvals for my standard tanks?

Anyway, I may be opting for the new Fluval Edge.. in which case, perhaps an external is unnecessary....

But yes, if I can find em, honey gouramis it will be!
If you go for an external, it will probably be better to go for a 'standard' one like the TetraTec or an Eheim. They're quite easy to get and can be fairly cheap second hand, you know what the build quality is like and if anything does break, it's not like spares are hard to get. And they're large enough to use on a bigger tank if you decide to change tanks at any point.
sorry to dig up an old post but where did you see an eden 501 for sale. i can't find them for toffee.

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