External Filter For Goldfish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2011
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I upgraded my 2 orandas'tank last week. It's a 144 litre tank and I currently have 2 internal filters (1 from their previous tank and 1 came with the tank)running in this tank. Now I rather have an external filter for my goldfish instead of internal filters but I don't know how powerful the externl filter should be.

I'm looking at a 900 L/H or a 1300 L/H filters. Which one is more suitable for a tank that is 81/36/50cm? Or are they both too powerful?

It depends which on the manufacturer and the model because some manufacturers give flow rate when empty, some when full of media, while some models don't seem to have any relation to what the info says!

Edit, for a short tank like that, I would go for an Eheim which is rated to the tank. For longer tanks, I would probably chose a model which is above the "ideal" one.

p.s. you'll probably still need up upgrade again, so do consider that when choosing a filter.

p.p.s. if you upgrade the filter, remember to run the old and new in parallel for 4-6+ weeks or to transfer the old media into the new filter.
It depends which on the manufacturer and the model because some manufacturers give flow rate when empty, some when full of media, while some models don't seem to have any relation to what the info says!

Edit, for a short tank like that, I would go for an Eheim which is rated to the tank. For longer tanks, I would probably chose a model which is above the "ideal" one.

p.s. you'll probably still need up upgrade again, so do consider that when choosing a filter.

p.p.s. if you upgrade the filter, remember to run the old and new in parallel for 4-6+ weeks or to transfer the old media into the new filter.

Hi KittyKat,

Thanks for the fast reply. I will be upgrading again before summer hopefully. I got this tank for now since I'm on tight budget at the moment and the fish are growing quite fast and needed to be moved out of their 60 litre tank asap. I should go for powerful filter since I'm going to be upgrading in some months again. Thanks for pointing that out:)

I probably wont go for Eheim since they are quite expensive.

The classic range are quite affordable compared to other brands, I find :)

Hmm, I'm a complete newbie with external filters. I didn't know about the classic range. I'll do a search on these now and see what I can find.

Thanks again for the info KittyKat :)
This looks pretty good http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200681894370?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I think I will go for this one.
i can fully recommend JBL filters, quite competetively priced the e700 would do, but if your upgrading the e900 would be better (you can adjust their flow rate which is a big plus)
i can fully recommend JBL filters, quite competetively priced the e700 would do, but if your upgrading the e900 would be better (you can adjust their flow rate which is a big plus)

Thanks Nurglespuss. I'll take a look at those filters.
No problem, the main reason i recommend them for goldfish, is their size, they pretty much dominate the internal capacity compared to all the other range filters (excpet possibly the Nexx filter with its addons - which I have yet to try!)

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