External Filter For 35ltr (8 Gallon) Tank


Planted Section
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
As per the title really.

I will be setting up a 35Ltr Nano in March and intend on using some glass Lily Pipes that fit 12/13mm hose.

Therefore does anyone have any suggestions for a smallish external filter with 12/13mm hose that would not turn this little tank into a whirpool?

The Eden 501 I am told has 10mm hose so I think this one can be ruled out.

I was thinking maybe a Tetratec EX600 with the flo valves closed slightly.

Any other suggestions for me to do some research on would be gratefully accepted.

what about a fluval 105 - i thin they use 12mm hosing?

u can adjust the flow with the aquastop valve
I think that the 105 is the same size as the Tetratec EX600 and if so I would personally decide on the Tetratec due to experience with them being very good (plus they look darn good)

I do notice that Hydor make an external that does small tanks. Anyone have experience with these.

I had all this with my little tank. I got the smallest filter I could that still had a good amount of media in it. I adjusted the flow to it's minimum setting which lessened the amount of water exiting but put it under pressure. The poor fish got pushed around all over the place!

In the end I changed it for an AquaOne AR380 (34ltr) with the over head trickle filter. After a bit of tweaking it's great (see signature) :good:

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