External Filter Advice

The Duke

Fish Crazy
Mar 24, 2012
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I am about to take the internal filter out of my juwel trigon 190. Looking at getting an external, what would people advise as being the best one? Want a decent one that is up for the job. Thanks
AquaManta EFX 300 (or 400 if you can afford it!) will do the trick nicely! They are the quietest filter i have ever dealt with! They are very similar to the TetraTec filters, designed by the same person and made by Aqua One, sold through Maidenhead Aquatics.

Got new ones out with automatic primer buttons (not pump action ones, you just tap the button and it does it) and uv steraliser ones too.

The Fluval 306 0r better still... 406 is a good filter too! Still waiting to see how good they are, fixed the three billiob faults the 305 and 405 had! But not anywhere near as much filter media capacity as the AquaMantas. Also... i just think the more complicated they make the filter, the more parts there are to go wrong!
hi there i am getting a tank which is 39x17x12" i think that makes it 140litres, i was wondering if you knew if the fluval 205 is any good? basically it pumps 200 litres! i would get the 305 if you think i need this or if there is a big difference, no problems if you do not know.


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