External Eheim 2026 Filter Leaking


Fish Crazy
Sep 3, 2006
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As in the title my external eheim filter is leaking, it is not from anywhere obivious it looks as though it is coming from the pump head housing. So what can i do as a short term solution until tomorrow when the shops are open again. The filter is in a washing up bowl but the bowl does need emptying about every hour. So i will not be able to leave it running tonight. I do have a spare fluval 2 internal filter if that could be used in any way, though i have no media for it.

So looks like im of looking for a new filter tomorrow may get a tetra tec 1200 if i can find one locally somewhere. what size hoses do these come with, woud be ideal if the same as the eheim 16/22mm.

Cheers Gordon
check the rubber o-ring around the top of the motor housing. If that isn't in properly or if it is cracked then the filter will leak.

You can use some of the filter material from the Eheim to put in the Fluval 2 and that will help keep the water clean.
Thanx Colin,

I should have said i replaced the o rings and gasket today, The top lid is filling first and then dripping down where the power cord comes out from.

Cheers Gordon
try covering the O ring with vaseline, this might help to seal it up.
try covering the O ring with vaseline, this might help to seal it up.

Hi, i have tried that to, on further investigation it looks like water is passing the priming mechanism there is a red o ring that fits around the round unit that you push down to prime the filter with, there is a split in it. Has anybody heard of this before? also it looks as though this can not be purchased as a spare part. Any one have any ideas if it can be or not?

Many thanks Gordon
You can try your local swimming pool company, or the hardware store or even maybe a local car parts supplier. All of them usually carry o-rings of various sizes. Maybe you'll get lucky.

Good luck.
Yeah thanks for that idea, managed to get it to seal after a few more gos, with plenty of vaseline.

Thanks for your help.

Cheers Gordon

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