Exploding Goldfish

summat fishy

Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire United Kingdom
hi guys got a bit of a weird problem. theres a goldfish in my nan's pond and its only about 4 inch long and its not over fed however, its turned so fat that its eyes are bulging and its scales look like they are lifting off the fish, so it appears spikey, this is really disturbing as the fish seems happy, but its sooooooooooo fat! any ideas? it cant be spawning becasue its october surely... thanks in advance summat fishy
I agree- epsom salt baths and anti- bacterial meds are your best bet, but once the scales pine cone and the fish gets pop eye, there is only a slim chance that it will recover, as its internal organs could be too damaged from the bloating.

Dropsy is basically general kidney failure in the fish, the bloating is caused when the fishes osmotic process goes wrong and the fish starts to fill up with fluid. Dropsy can be caused by numerous things, from internal bacterial, viral or fungal infections, internal tumors or cancer, stress to the internal organs from water quality problems etc etc.

One of the first things you should do is buy an accurate water quality test kit and test your water for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and ph to see the current state of the water quality to make sure nothing is amiss there (posting the water quality results back here would be very useful) :nod: .
Popeye and dropsy are closely related because of the build up of fluids.
Once scales stick out like tokis has said organ fialure, very hard to cure them when this happens.
Good luck.

Taken from the above link.

Pop-eye may be seen with dropsy, which is a condition in which fluid accumulates in the abdomen as a result of dysfunction of the internal organs. A fish’s scales will stick out and away from the body, giving it a “pinecone” appearance. Also, the underside or belly may look swollen in dropsy. This condition is very often fatal yet some within the goldfish community boast success when treating dropsy in its’ earliest stages. This treatment includes treating your fish for the first three days with a medication, such as Rid-Ich+, for external parasites in a hospital tank. This is then followed by rapidly raising the water temperature to 86*F, using extra aeration to keep the oxygen levels high and treating for a bacterial infection as outlined above for septicemia (e.g. feed Medi-Gold and/or use Kanacyn or Augmentin in the water), for as long as 2-4 weeks. Epsom salts are to be used at the rate of 1/8 of a teaspoon per five gallons of water to reduce swelling. Do not use aquarium or other similar salts as this may worsen the swelling.
Here are some examples of fish with Dropsy .....


You have to get it out the pond. If it dies there then the fluid from it will infect the others if eaten as fish will eat other fish.

If its as bad as you say then its probably kinder to put it out its misery than try to heal it.

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