explaining a mini-cycle


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
Because of my supidity and forgetfulness, my tank is going through a mini cycle (forgot to turn the filter back on after feeding, 24+ hrs w/ very limited filtration). Right now, I am doing daily water changes to fix the problem, but unfortunately, I'm still living at home.

My dad is freaking out over me doing daily water changes and tells me if I don't stop he is going to tear down all my tanks (4 bettas, a 20 gal, and a tank being cycled). Any ideas on how I can explain this to him? He won't listen long enough for me to explain tne nitrogen cycle.

As for right now, I'm just waiting till I'm here and he's not :devil:
careful on this one, sometimes dads don't want to admit that the offspring know more than they do.
Be gentle and good luck :/

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