Explain Water To Me ...?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2012
Reaction score
leyland, lancashire
I have a very big interest in fish keeping and have for years but only recently got a tank.( well bought one then upgraded to a 180 litre).
Thing is i have a good external filter...do water changes weekly and take very good care of my tank and fish. I have never understood water quality though as in nitrates and so on.....ph and the rest of it.

I never had a ill fish or any die in the 3 months ive had it and when i take my water for test at the fish store they always say its spot on.

I want to buy a complete water tester kit .....could someone run through what the parameters mean and where to buy a good kit thanks....feel like im not a proper fish person untill i know lol.
I'm pretty sure the article on cycling in the beginners section explains Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite better than I ever could so have a look there and all will be revealed...
At the simplest level of explanation for pH and hardness, different fish prefer different levels of it. Neutral water has a pH of 7, less is acidic and more than 7 is alkaline. If you want a complicated explanation I'm afraid I can't give one, I believe it has to do with solvated hydrogen ions in the water.
A lot of people here use the API Masterkit. These are generally quite expensive to buy in a LFS but can be found a lot cheaper on Ebay.

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