Experiences with species from Myanmar (Specific Lake Inle)


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2x Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 18, 2021
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Greater Manchester
Was just wondering what people's experience with fish from this region was/or like.

I'm mainly looking at either CPDs, Emerald Dwarf Danios, Fireline Danio, and other nano danio species. These will be kept in a planted dirted tank that I'm currently planning either a 53L or 45L (14g or 11g US GAL)

Website I've been using
I've never kept any of those, but I seem to remember they prefer rather hard water with little flow and tons of floating plants. An Inle biotope is on my list of "someday" tanks, but for now it's off the table because my water is very soft. Good luck!
CPD are lovely. Very shy and slow feeders so nothing too active or big in the tank. Best to go with a single species and a group size of 20+
I've never kept any of those, but I seem to remember they prefer rather hard water with little flow and tons of floating plants. An Inle biotope is on my list of "someday" tanks, but for now it's off the table because my water is very soft. Good luck!
I currently have sawbwa which are amazing. So I'd love to keep another species from the same lake. Luckily my LFS has quite a lot of selection when it comes to Lake Inle species
CPD are lovely. Very shy and slow feeders so nothing too active or big in the tank. Best to go with a single species and a group size of 20+
I had been considering just a single group of one species. The only thing that would join them would be bladder snails and potentially a few amano shrimp

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