Was just wondering what people's experience with fish from this region was/or like.
I'm mainly looking at either CPDs, Emerald Dwarf Danios, Fireline Danio, and other nano danio species. These will be kept in a planted dirted tank that I'm currently planning either a 53L or 45L (14g or 11g US GAL)
Website I've been using
I'm mainly looking at either CPDs, Emerald Dwarf Danios, Fireline Danio, and other nano danio species. These will be kept in a planted dirted tank that I'm currently planning either a 53L or 45L (14g or 11g US GAL)
Myanmar Freshwater Aquarium Fish, Shrimp & Snails
Discover a variety of freshwater fish, shrimp & snails native Myanmar. These ornamental species are treasured by aquarists & hobbyists worldwide.
Website I've been using