Exp Owner Of Beta Looking For More


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Dec 1, 2005
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Las Vegas (west), Nevada, U.s.a
hi ^^ my name it Jenne, please call me Hero :shifty:
I own 3 Beta atm, my Brother owns 1 himself too. We've had them for awhile now. Kami, a female beta died 2 days ago from a fin-eating-disease (sp) I'm not sure if thats what it was called or not
Chi, another female, is showing signs for the same sickness it might only live another week like kami :-( I've been treating her as best as I can... My 2 males (Zatch and Vash) are looking fine.
I joined this forum because I wanted information on some new types of fish, along with signs of something wrong with my Brother's Beta. My brother's name is Wil btw.
Wil's Beta is named Meta :p he seems alittle fat to discribe him in a word heehee, but he also, well I'm not sure how to explane it, I don't have a picture so I'll try my best. Hes a adult-looking, black and blue colored fishy. he has a lumb right were the 2 thin fin-things and under/near his mouth. and his head used to be all black, now its sorta... flakie ina way, little white dots all over his head. We think hes just getting old. about a week ago he started to stay at the bottom of the tank all the time, only coming up for food and air. hes not doing that now.
We've had trouble with mold in his tank in the past, we used a Mold-away thing to keep it mold-free in between cleanings. We also use beta-bowl-boubles 1-5 gal. things after we poor new water in to make sure the water is still miniral filled but also safe for the betas, and we also one day put some medicen in when he staying at the bottom of the tank... we're scared we mixed to many things together at once :( so we stoped using all of them, and try to clean it more. hes geting better it seems but he still looks "fat" what do you think we should do?

in my other topic, I was wanting to know what kind of fish I can put in a 2 and a half gal. tank, I want more then one in the tank, and the fishys to be multie-colored so I can tell them apart, fresh water, and look kinda look beta, or "cool" heehee lol, I'm alil picky. if you could, show me pictures of what you might think is best.

and last, sorry for any miss spellings :X :hyper: :sly: :sad: :wub:
THe fin eating disease may be caused by tow things;

1) Fin rot, which will show as cotton wool type fuzz on the ends of the fins infected

2) If the females are being kept in the same tank as a male, the fins may be being nipped by him. Betta love is not at all friendly. :no:

Also you mention that you male is looking very fat - are his scales sticking out, like a pine cone? If so it sounds like dropsy.

However the white spots may be whitespot, hard to tell without seeing a picture of the fish.

If you could post a couple of photos I could give you a better diagnosis.

I kept and bred Bettas for about six months, but gave it up due to the difficulty in getting a successful breeding without too much damage being inflicted on the females.

Anyway welcom to the forum and good luck :)
Hello Hero and welcome to the forum. :hi:

As Nadine mentioned, it sounds like fin rot. Most fish diseases can be tracked back to stress and bad water conditions. Have you checked your water paramaters? Are your tanks filtered?

As for fish for a 2.5 gallon, unfortunately, bettas are about it. Most other small fish are schooling fish and need to be kept in groups of at least 3 and also need more swimming room.
Hi HeroFlame :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

I'll move your thread to the Betta section where the fishy folks might be able to advise you about yours. It would help if you put your location in your profile because many medications are not available worldwide.

I hope you enjoy participating here and will be looking forward to reading your posts. :D
Are there any other fish in with Chii?? That doesn't look much like finrot to me, it looks like someone is tearing her up, especially judging by the patches of missing scales on her sides.
As for Meta, he just looks old. If his tummy looks too fat to you he may be constipated, in which case you could feed him a bit of blanched pea (deshelled first) and then fast him for a day or two and see if that helps.
When we got the two females we put the together for about 5 mins, (cause my mom thought that only the males fight) Chii was chasing kami so we got a seperater (don't worry no1 was hurt or came near each other :/ ). about 14 days ago, 10 days before kami died, Kami jumped over the seperater into chiis side and we didn't see that she did that till I went to bed, who knows when she jumped over that day. that day when we got her back on her sdie, we noticed a little hole over kamis right eye, we thought chii might have nipped her sense chii tends to be alittle mean, but then it got bigger, then we relised it was a sickness. thus why she died :-(
sense they were in the same tank chii has it too we think. right now chii has the hole tank to her self. (note: she also can not see any other fish we own.)

In the picture you really can't see it, but the hole area under the gills is gone, its pink and and so much msising its in between her gills. shes having trouble eating, she would suck the food in her motuh, chew it, then shake her head and spit it out, yesterday it toke her 3 trys to swallow her food :-( today she didn't eat at all...

Right now shes just floating around a plant in the tank, nere the top of the water. the places with missing scales does have some white cotton-looking stuff. and her tail is cut down the midle, also white stuff.
and Meta, thank you we'll try that tomarrow.

editied part- paramaters, not sure about that but we clean it about once a week to 11 days, and yes all the tanks are filtered, the one with chii is a 1-3 gal wisper filter. and Meta btw has like a bouble thing down the midle, witch came with the tank.
How much water do you remove when you clean the tanks?

The white stuff is *probably* bacterial infection, though it could be fungal. I'd try either an antiseptic sort of thing like Bettafix/Melafix, or an antibiotic like Maracyn on it, and see if that works before going to fungal meds. If you go with Melafix I wouldn't use the whole dose as it can be hard on bettas, just use about 1/4th of the recommended dosage on the back of the bottle.
:rip: Chii

BTW, I love the turtles in your sig

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