

Jun 9, 2005
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How would 1 exodon do on its own?

can i just keep a single exodon in a 10g thats moderatly planted?
You could, but that would be pretty boring. To get the best out of exodons they need to be in a group of 7 or more and thats when you see the aggressive feeding frenzies, a single one is no more aggressive than a single neon.
What are these fish? Is there another name for them?

Edit: Bucktoothed Tetra
It says in a couple sites to not keep under 10 to 12 becouse of fighting. Min. Tank size 50 gal. I have a empty 40gal. Any chance of keeping 10 in there for any length of time? That is if I can even get them here in CA. I had never heard of them before.
When i first got my exodons i could only find 5 (in the UK they are quite rare) and within the first week one had been eaten by the others, luckily soon after i found another 3 in a store and since boosting the shoal size to 7 havent had any problems. I keep mine in a 25g tank with pleanty of hiding places at the sides and bottom for the fish to take refuge in should any of the nipping start going too far.
These fish are not for the faint hearted, their whole existance revolves around fighting and biting each other and anything they come across.
i love exodons, ive read that they attain an adult length of 6 inches but do they actually reach that length? On a piranha website Ive read that it unlikly that they will ever reach 5 inches. Id love some but at the moment all i have is a 29 gallon tank which is too small (i think, right?) and my 55 gallon is set on another brackish tank.
A 29g would be fine for 10 exodons provided you supplied a rest area at each end of the tank (some tall plants or twisty bits of bogwood). Ive never heard of anyone with a exodon over 4 inches in captivity and about 3" sems to average size.
As far as i know they dont touch plants, mine have never shown any interest in vegetable foods in their tank intended for the Leporinus they share with.
i have read many horror stories about exodon. People spending hundreds of dollars buying them only to have the entire community killing each other off directly or indirectly through infections caused by biting/stress from one another, and ended up with dead tanks.

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