Exodon Paradoxus


Fish Addict
Feb 20, 2009
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I found these on another topic in this forum and they look awsome but can these be kept with cichlids and has anyone kept them singularly or in small groups with cichlids. Because i have read that these can be very aggressive including worse than piranhas when they are in shoals. Someone did have them with cichlids but after a couple of days they had the cichlids in the corner of the tanks.

Here is a vid of them on youtube:

Seriously Watch...

Here is a link of them on youtube:
closer look on them:

Thanks in Advance :)
Yes, you do not want to keep these guys with other fish as they are extremely aggressive! Even more so than piranhas!

generally speaking, exodons are best kept in a species only tank. While an advanced exodon keeper may be able to successfully comm them with certain other species, it is generally not advised.

An attempt to keep exodons with cichlids will likely end one of two ways.
Either the exodons will tear the Cichlid apart or stress it to sickness/death
Or the Cichlid will outgrow the exodons and begin to eat them. And at roughly $8/ea, that's a pretty expensive snack.

For more info feel free to PM me.
Also check out www.exodonparadoxus.blogspot.com

Btw. I still can't see your videos. Lol.
Yeah i have seen them in action with other fish and even prinhas but on other articles they were saying that they will be fine with certain cichlids.
Could you keep one Exodon Paradoxus singularly with other fish?

It is only a youtube vid which all you need to type Exodon Paradoxus and the first few vids near top.
Here i pasted it again lol:

Try and see if it works.

Thanks for replies :p

good info. These guys are nasty fish and will stress out any other fish they are kept with. They will even eat each other. So if you want these guys you can't keep them with any other fish.

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