Excuse the question but...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
:*) 'cause mine do!
I just got a couple of mickey mouse plattys (boy and girl) incredibly cute, but I've noticed how they kinda, well... poo quite often. Or maybe I happen to be watching while they're doing it. Lucky me! I'm really new to this so I don't know. Other than that they seem to be fine, they eat well, swim well and even became friends with my guppy.

Any information on the subject will be appreciated. Thank you!
They indeed do, but ever since I got hold of bristlenose plecos I don't see poos from any other species any more... These guys so over-poo compare to anything else I have seen so far... :lol:
sunflower said:
Oh yes!

Cories will help to clear up waste too.
LOL how iwll they help clear it up ??? please inform us :p ;)

Yes my mollies poo ALL THE TIME they seem to do it less once they got setteled in and on a stable diet ........ Nothing is wrong with them pooing all the time in most cases trust me :D
willywonka099 said:
sunflower said:
Oh yes!

Cories will help to clear up waste too.
LOL how iwll they help clear it up ??? please inform us :p ;)

Yes my mollies poo ALL THE TIME they seem to do it less once they got setteled in and on a stable diet ........ Nothing is wrong with them pooing all the time in most cases trust me :D
Cories do help in cleaning it up. As they swim around the bottom in screach for food they stir up the bottom of the tank so the filter can pick it up. Sometimes even bitting it to spit it back out. They don't eat the poo but can really help keep the tank bottom cleaner even more in sand bottom tanks.
My platies ALWAYS seem to have poop hanging out of them......

Same here. One of mine ate hers while it was still coming out..... not the smartest species aer they?

LOL! :lol: Thanks for the replies guys! What a relief! :)
in fact for my mollies they dont know the term "hold it in"lol they are constantly pooping all over my tank.jaws is looking at me like "what did you say punk?"

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