Excessive bubbles covering surface area

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New Member
Sep 28, 2005
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Sunny Florida
I have been running this same tank/setup (as listed in signature) for about 8 months now with no problems. Starting about a week ago, there seems to be a "floating mat" of bubbles covering almost the entire surface area. It used to only be a 3 inch patch where the filter spills water into the tank and the airstone is placed directly under that area. Now it seems to have "Grown" in size recently. I do a 10% weekly water change so I don't think it's water quality issue.

Any ideas?
10% weekly water changes isn't very much, i suggest you up them to 30% ones instead as excessive bubbles on the water surface usually indicates the water quality isn't as good as it should be- buying yourself test kits for ammonia, nitrates and nitrites ASAP is also important, post us your results when you test your water quality as this is the only way to know for sure you don't have any issues in it.
I will pick up a test kit and check it out. I thought maybe that the bubbles were because I have the air stone right under where the filter drains, creating excessive aeration.
And just to let you know a 100 penguin filter and 100w heater is ultra extremly to powerfull. All you need is (don't know about penguin) but if you get whisper is a whisper power filter 20 and you only need a 25w or 50w heater. I'm surprised that your fish aren't dead by now(sorry). As for the bubbles that simply means that their is to much oxygen for the fish to use. And to fix that get s way smaller filter and heater and (if you can) turn the power down in the airstone. Or get a smaller air pump or this thing that you plug the air tubing into it then plug the tubing thats connected to the air stone and turn down the power. :)
Durbkat said:
And just to let you know a 100 penguin filter and 100w heater is ultra extremly to powerfull. All you need is (don't know about penguin) but if you get whisper is a whisper power filter 20 and you only need a 25w or 50w heater. I'm surprised that your fish aren't dead by now(sorry). As for the bubbles that simply means that their is to much oxygen for the fish to use. And to fix that get s way smaller filter and heater and (if you can) turn the power down in the airstone. Or get a smaller air pump or this thing that you plug the air tubing into it then plug the tubing thats connected to the air stone and turn down the power. :)

Why would the fish be dead? the heater is on a thermostat so only works when needed...

as for the filter, the penguin 100 is 100 gph, less output as the whisper 20 is 105 gph...
some fish like current, some hate it, some don't mind....

as for bubbles, it could be an accumulation of organic debris. If you feed meaty foods (either frozen, dried or flakes), they will accumulate and when too many are present, they form a little cloudy blanket or bubbles on the surface.
As for the bubbles that simply means that their is to much oxygen for the fish to use.

Yvez9 is right on this. One thing I've seen a lot is people using too much aloe-laden water treatments. (stresscoat, etc) They will foam up on the surface.
cyprinut said:
As for the bubbles that simply means that their is to much oxygen for the fish to use.

Well its true because in my 10g I have a whisper power filter 20 and a 25 or 50 watt heater and I also have a under gravel filter and its one of those cheap kind where instead pf those power heads on their its and air stone inside the tubes so bubbles come out and at one time I had the air pump at full power so it could power both air pumps and after a few hours those bubbles covered the surface and I was told that it was to much oxygen in the tank that the fish couldn't use so I turned the power down and the bubbles went away....so there. :p

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