Evil Lids...


Bettas are better!
Dec 27, 2004
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Well, lately I've spent a lot of time and (not so much) money one my boys' tanks. This afternoon I bought them new silk plants, I'm changing their gravel to black tomorrow and I made them black backgrounds tonight. Their tanks look great. But then there's....

*play evil music...*


The boys are in 1.5 gallon Kritter Keepers. I love the tanks, the shape and stuff but the lids came in fluro orange or fluro green. I chose Garish Green.

But now they're spoiling my pretty new-look tanks and I was wondering, would it be safe to spray paint them? Using non-toxic paint or something? I've tried all night to make nice black lids out of cardboard (yes it was fun! :hyper:)

So would some type of spray paint or paint be safe? Thanks. :)
I've wondered the same thing. I actually would like to paint something to put IN my tank, but I have never seen paint that says "aquarium safe", and I don't know which ingredients are harmful. I know some people paint the back of their tank but thats would be a different story. I hope someone answers your question because I will be watching, too.
Im the other way,I have the ones that are just over 2 UK gallons and they all have dark brown hoods i would much rather have brighter hoods on mine but thats the only colour i could get near me
The problem I have with lids, is that The heater I have is not submersible, so the lid won't sit right on the tank, because the heater hooks onto the side of the tank. I don't know how to fix this.

Anyone run into the same situation?

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