Evil Fish


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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i had a zebra danio in my tank an saturday i bought 2 pink danios a zebra ann a lepoard one an the zebra danio i had b4 kept chasin oneof the pink ones an wouldnt leave it alone an i woke up this morning an the pink danio was dead an ripped to shreds

any one know a reason y he was being so evil?
depends on the size of the tank... also, not too sure about this, but your zebra danios may have been in this tank for a while and have established their own territory so they killed the pink one
Danios should be kept as a minimum of 5. Its probably really pis*** off dude!
there was other danios in the tank but he managed to kill them too, it doesn't go for any of the other fish i have though.
wow.... not sure ....my Danios are not mean at all, they do zoom around high speed ALL the time but nothing "evil".... Mind you when my Danios start to mate it looks a little mean, but never any damage.... How big is the tank??? I see you have a Betta, is it in the same tank at the Danios,have you seen it act agressive to the Danios???? Hope it start to go better for you... :)
well i woke up again this morning an i found my evil zebra danio dead this. :-( i dont know how because noone else actually picks on him

but i bought a lobster once had it for a while but it satrted to attack an kill my fish so i had to get rid of it then a couple days later i looked in my tank an saw 5 little baby lobsters so i waited for them to get bigger an got rid of them but i noticed that there is still one left , so i was wondering if that could of done it ? it looks to small to kill my zebra danio tho??????????????

im not sure wot size my tank is????

plus i haven't seen this lobster around l8ly??

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