Evil Critters


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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y'no if you find a bad critter such as a mantis and you cant take it to a lfs coz they dont take em how would you go about killing them. i know that makes me sound incredibly heartless coz they are living animals. i hate killing stuff like once i fed my fish live food and felt guilty for ages.

so any humain killing methods? hmmm maybve i could make a critter surprise or critter stew. :/
y'no if you find a bad critter such as a mantis and you cant take it to a lfs coz they dont take em how would you go about killing them. i know that makes me sound incredibly heartless coz they are living animals. i hate killing stuff like once i fed my fish live food and felt guilty for ages.

so any humain killing methods? hmmm maybve i could make a critter surprise or critter stew. :/

Theres this chemical that you can buy for suffering animals that are sick. But I'm not sure if its humaine to kill it like that. Why not set up a mantis tank :fun: . That's what many people do.

EDIT: I think the procedure is called Euthinizing or something like that.
Depends on the critter TBH. Never a fun discussion, but sometimes a necessary one :/. Do you have such a pest you need to rid yourself of?
erm no infact i havnt even got a tank set up its just i dont wnat to find i ahve a weird thing and then be there like ahhh what the hell do i do.

im being very overcautios and i keep thinking of every single possible thing that could happen. and also it would be good for people to be able to no because theres no where stated how to 'dispose' of critters :(
At the lfs i work at we use a chemical called Koi Calm with enough of an overdose the fish falls asleep
B)-->QUOTE(James B @ Dec 4 2006, 09:23 AM) [snapback]1396610[/snapback]
At the lfs i work at we use a chemical called Koi Calm with enough of an overdose the fish falls asleep


You mean it dies? Or it just goes to sleep and wakes up in a few hours :p
hmmm anything around the house that would humainly kill them? like a temperature drop and freezing them, boiling water (not humain) use a knife that would be quik but is all yech and mean or something big and heavy ....... CRUNCH
Using a knife to sever a spinal chord, or something blunt to crush a skull would be the quickest way for sure. Freezing, boiling, or suffocating isn't humane at all :/
oh okay. thanks ski fletch i think im all informed. may be a bleak topic but not one that people realy talk about so not much knowledge about also if i were the little creature and was gonna be killed id much rather it be quik. of course though there is also the even better 100% jumain thing take em to your LFS.
:good: thakns ski :)
Using a knife to sever a spinal chord, or something blunt to crush a skull would be the quickest way for sure. Freezing, boiling, or suffocating isn't humane at all :/

Agreed, getting the spinal cord is instantanious, whilst rather gorry, its still more humane and deffinately quicker than either boiling, freezing, or flushing. TFF has a euthanasia sticky, but whilst applying in general to FW species, you can get ideas about each method, which still ofcourse apply to our fish here too. Euthanasia
IMO there are only 2 humane ways to do this

1 - You could euthanize the critter by adding benzocaine or MS 222 (or cove oil, euganol) to a small container mix into tank water and place fish in it.

2 - Concussion with instantaneous destruction of the brain

If we are talking about fish (which we are not but it is usefull to know) then Decapitation is a very bad idea

As the physiology of fish is very different from a mammal the loss of consciousness due to the severing the spinal cord and aorta (the main blood vessel) is very slow often in the order of 5-10 minutes so a decapitated fish will experience pain and stress responses as it dies.
Noooo, please don't resort to "humane" solution number two. It doesn't sound humane to me but I've heard of it before. Please do choose one. It's easier and it won't leave you guilty about bashing a fishes head.
IMO there are only 2 humane ways to do this

1 - You could euthanize the critter by adding benzocaine or MS 222 (or cove oil, euganol) to a small container mix into tank water and place fish in it.

2 - Concussion with instantaneous destruction of the brain

If we are talking about fish (which we are not but it is usefull to know) then Decapitation is a very bad idea

As the physiology of fish is very different from a mammal the loss of consciousness due to the severing the spinal cord and aorta (the main blood vessel) is very slow often in the order of 5-10 minutes so a decapitated fish will experience pain and stress responses as it dies.

I have to guiltily admit that I giggled at the words "instantaneous destruction". I do not find the killing of fish/inverts humorous in any way, merely the wording that Callell chose to use. Nor am I attempting to insult Callell, he provided some extremely insightful information, which I agree with.

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