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Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
I come home today to find my dwarf gourami and paradise fish sloating at the top of the tank that's 3 dead fish!!!
I went out and swapped them with 2 glass catfish and 2 opaline gourami's because of the 7 day guarantee. Now one of my neons has just floated to the top. also there is a black spot on one of my gold gourami's chest. I have added plants to my tank, i'm not sure if it might be a disease from them??
shelly25 said:
That would be my guess...unless the fish are already sick at the store you're buying them from.
:( well i lost 2 fish yesterday. i have just put two plants in 2 weeks ago, and two gouramis died yesterday, turns out that the filter want working, so i acted quickly and got it working. it wasnt working becasue of the bad plants i bought, clogged up the filter. :(
i lost 2 fishes a week after i put a bunch of new plants. I think that the plants introduced bacteria or parasite in water because my water was just fine when I discovered the angelfish and swordtail dead. I put some aquarium salt and I believe that they are healed. The white spots on my loaches are gone..
Normaly before you put in live or fake plants you rinse them off in a cup of water from the tank (for live) or hot water from a sink (for fake)

If no one told you any of this or instructions didn't mention talk to the company or story you bought the plants from.

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