Everyone in the USA there is a boycott on bigals!


Smily this!
Apr 21, 2004
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Melbourne Australia.
this was sent to my mate on the net who lives in cananda after he sent a nice e-mail to them about selling dyed fish and how it just isnt right.

We understand your concern for the sale of dyed fish due to the "unnatural"
treatment and may we say "tackiness" of the colours, however, the reason we
continue to carry these varieties is because of the extreme popularity.
Although the colour is artificial and may fade in time, there is a great
demand for dyed fish such as parrot cichlids and Popsicle tetras (probably
the highest selling tetra we carry). Most people are aware the colour is
fake, however, because the colour is extremely vibrant, these fish are a
welcome addition to their aquarium. Although the colour is unnatural; even
the fish itself, the parrot cichlid, is an unnatural species. The parrot is
a genetically bred fish and is non-existent in the wild. Most enthusiasts
are not interested in keeping these fish with their cichlids for that
reason. Unfortunately we will still carry these species, although we
understand your moral dilemma. Even though The fish enthusiasts are not
interested in any dyed fish they are still a very popular fish with the
general public. Much like dog enthusiasts will not consider buying a "mutt",
for it is an unnatural breed, they are still in high demand. What we can do
in future is label the fact that the fish is dyed more clearly, that way
future customers will know immediately.
We appreciate your concern and hope you will still continue to shop at
Aquarium Services.
Thank for your time.
Customer Service Rep
Big Al's Online 1-888-824-4257
I have joined, and posted the same, at worldcichlids.com. If anyone has other forum accounts, please feel free the spread the word. Thank you.

Hell guys we can all give it a shot!
i have decided not to shop at big al's in canada due to the unfortunate conditions their bettas are subjected to.
In theory its a great idea. Unfortunately big als will not stop selling dyed fish anymore than pjs pets would stop selling puppymill puppies. Why? Because it is profitable. I think it is more effective to try to get smaller stores to stop selling them. Little stores rely on fish enthusiasts like us for repeat business. Therefore are more likely to listen to those consumers. Big als doesnt need repeat business from folks like us.Because they make enough of supplies ect. They do have more competitave prices on most things.When it comes to the actual fish, we are outnumbered by spoiled children who get their folks to buy them the pretty pink fish. And who keep buying and buying when they all die. I must note that the big als in Toronto is a much better store than some Iv seen. I would just never buy a dyed fish from them.
They said that they would more clearly label the fish as died. Really if you wanna stop the sell of something, U gotta get EVERYONE to boycott it and that ain't gonna happen.
Excuse me, mutts being unatural? If anything the pure bred dogs are unatural, selective breeding in itself is not natural. As to dyed fish, when people actually stop buying things just for looks, they'll stop dyeing, but until then you can just forget it.
my lfs is the cheapest going around, last monday i went there and seen they now had dyed fish, i told them straight out what i thought and i wont be shopping here anymore, plain and simple.
The Big Al's that I go to in Canada has stopped selling dyed fish...or at least I haven't seen any in months.
They used to carry blue, green, and cherry tetras for at least the first year that I was going there...but I didn't know what they were at the time.
If I see dyed fish there(now that I know what to look for) I will not hesitate to tell them what I think.
This should be easy . . . I've never even seen a big al's in hawaii . . . :lol:
I think that response is suitable for Big Al's. I would love it if my local Big Al's stopped selling byed fish, but they take such good care of their fish that I wouldn't boycott them because of it. I have no qualms about telling them how I feel about dyed fish and would never consider buying one from them, but I don't blame them for continuing to sell them. I think the way to get them to stop would be to educate people on the horrors that these fish go through via the dyeing process, and then (hopefully) they will stop buying them. If the Big Al's is willing to advertise this more prevalently in their stores, I don't fault them at the store.
Vip said:
my lfs is the cheapest going around, last monday i went there and seen they now had dyed fish, i told them straight out what i thought and i wont be shopping here anymore, plain and simple.
So they lose a customer, gain ten. What do they care? You have to make it something that is unpopular or unprofitable for them and to do that you have to affect their customer base and as much as telling them"I'm not shopping here anymore" makes you feel you're doing something, you're not doing anything but giving up what could be an otherwise good LFS.
Wow! Kind of of shock to hear people telling Vip it's a waste for him to boycott . . .
Vip, I think standing up for what you think is right is the best thing you could possibly do. I think it does make a difference. The store has lost a customer and now they know why. Whether or not they choose to do something about it is up to them. But at least they know why they have lost you as a customer. How else can we as consumers stand up to large companies???
Like I said, boycotting alone is useless. I didn't say boycotting itself was. If he could get enough of their customer base to boycott, it would be different. Instead they just see one or two people boycotting their store and most likely see him as some over-enthusiastic animal lover.
i dont think big al's in london ontario sells dyed fish, well i havent seen any but i dont go there looking for them or a reason to start something that won't change what they sell .. their a fish store they sell fish, its like trying to get people to stop eating at KFC because they torture their chickens, people might say thats awefull but their still going to eat there
Yes Mr. Bones I see your point. Like if KFC sells chickens that are injected with hormones (I don't know that they do) some people may not eat there. Just like some people may not like the fact that Big Al's sells these fish. If you are against something why support it by giving them your money whether or not your next door neighbor shops there???

Have you ever thought that if you believe in something there might be someone else who feels that way too? Don't go against your beliefs because you feel you are the only one, you won't be heard or make a difference. If everyone who thought selling dyed fish stopped shopping there, it would hurt the company. It just seems silly to me when people go against their belief system because other people tell them they can't make a difference.

I understand what you're saying Teelie. One customer probably won't do much. But that's not a good enough reason to continue shopping there when your morals tell you it's wrong.

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