Everybody, Meet Ranger!


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2012
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So, I've had Ranger for a good five days now. And I loves him very much :D

Here are some pictures and a description of him.





I have only had Ranger for five days now but already I feel like I've known him forever. He likes to watch me when I'm watching him. He LOVES blowing bubble nests, and his bubble nest is huge! It has a few gaps, but I'm sure he will get right on it, fixing it up! He likes to go up and down the glass, and at first I thought he wasn't okay, but he's been doing that for five days now and he's okay. I think he's just bored so he does that. He is going to be living with a mystery snail as soon as I have money. He likes to hide and lay on the gravel and in his plant, and likes hanging out under his bubble nest. He doesn't like it when I open the tank lid to feed him though, and shy's away at my hand (Unless I am feeding him). For the first couple days he wouldn't eat or barely ate, and had trouble doing so. But now he likes to eat and has no problem with it. He trusts me more then when I first got him. He likes to swim in-between the rocks I have set up in the tank as well. I have never seen him flare at anything.
Thank you :D
Everybody that meets him always says that, I'm glad I bought him. I would hate to see him be put in a glass or a vase instead of a proper tank!

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