Fish Crazy
What is everything I need for a saltwater aquarium, with live rock and later coral?
You need to think it over for a long time, and do lots of research. There is far more to know about saltwater than there is about freshwater. You can't just decide one day, "hmm, I think I'll buy a saltwater tank today". I researched saltwater for months before I even got the tank, and apparently, with the 2 tank crashes so far, even that was not enough.
You should really research it yourself instead of asking what everything you need is on the forum; we'd be hard-pressed to sum up everything you need for saltwater in even a few pages. In fact, some full-length books have a hard time doing it. And frankly, I don't think any of us on the saltwater forum would be willing to write a book unless we were getting paid for it keep in mind that marine tanks can be very expensive; the lighting system alone on my upcoming setup will cost anywhere from $500 to $1500