Any body ever hear of butis butis, or crazy fish I have only found limited information Will only get 6 inches or so, carnivourous fish in headstander family. Has an alligator mouth and conical teeth which I cant see. I dont feed him live foods only carnivorous pellets which he chomps down right away. He will only accept sinking varieties. Found a shrimp pellet he likes and a sinking carnivorous wafer which I have to cut in half.
Very personable, and picky. I really like him. He has perch like fins also rides around on floating plants.
If anybody know anthing about him, I call him Mr butis hes very cute.
He kind of looks like a hawk fish in marine fish but his colors are brown and off/white, of course tropical.
thanks for any information
Very personable, and picky. I really like him. He has perch like fins also rides around on floating plants.
If anybody know anthing about him, I call him Mr butis hes very cute.
He kind of looks like a hawk fish in marine fish but his colors are brown and off/white, of course tropical.
thanks for any information