ever heard of butis butis


New Member
May 21, 2005
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Any body ever hear of butis butis, or crazy fish I have only found limited information Will only get 6 inches or so, carnivourous fish in headstander family. Has an alligator mouth and conical teeth which I cant see. I dont feed him live foods only carnivorous pellets which he chomps down right away. He will only accept sinking varieties. Found a shrimp pellet he likes and a sinking carnivorous wafer which I have to cut in half.

Very personable, and picky. I really like him. He has perch like fins also rides around on floating plants.

If anybody know anthing about him, I call him Mr butis hes very cute.

He kind of looks like a hawk fish in marine fish but his colors are brown and off/white, of course tropical.

thanks for any information
Also known as the Boney snouted gudgeon. They are nothing to do with headstanders which are members of the Anostomidae family of South American Characins and are actually sleaper gobies (Eleotridae family). They are found in freshwater, brackish and marine enviroments but in captivity seem to always do better when kept in a slightly saline enviroment rather than pure freshwater. They are one of the most widespread of all goby species being found along the coast of eastern Africa, throughout costal Asia and costal areas of Australia and surrounding islands.
Ok, here's some stuff you might find useful:

Crazy fish Butis butis also known as The boney-Snouted Gudgeon.

Size: Up to about 15cm (six inches)

Habitat: Usually found in weedy rivers, swamps and mangroves. Found in marine, brackish and freshwater environments from the coast of East Africa to Fiji. They apparently can adapt to freshwater if done slowly.

Eats: Fish (so no tankmates smaller than the Butis) shrimps, prawns, bloodworm, mealworms and can be slowly weaned onto prcessed foods, even flake!

Notes: Needs a tank of about 36 inches or more, with hiding places. Do not keep Butis with fish small enough to eat.
It's colouring will depend on the substrate and its surroundings. It often hangs motionless in mid-water, often upside down, giving it the appearance that it has died to lure unwary scavengers into becoming lunch!


/edit: Bah! CFC beat me to it!
THanks both of you for listing information. The eleotridae family is what is listed when you look up crazy fish or butis butis on the internet., other name butis (Amboinensis). So I got headstander from that look up. Of course internet information can be false. I also read something about lifespan being related to gobies, because not enough information was known about butis. I'll keep your information in mind.

Also thanks for information regarding food. I have tried blood worms, and krill frozen varieties. I let cube melt at top. Maybe I should cut of bigger piece might intice him more. He has eaten an occasional flake he likes something with substance. I love that picture looks exactly like my, Mr butis.

thanks again I love all my fish. cant wait to start 125 gal saltwater. just aquired multiple books so I can be a good GOD!!!!!
Oh also I have a teaspoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water because I have live plants. So some aquarium salt not totally fresh water. I did this primarily because I hope keep parasites a bay!!!! I do weekly water changes.. So parameters (chemistries are doing great.)

thaks again
lorie said:
Oh also I have a teaspoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water because I have live plants. So some aquarium salt not totally fresh water. I did this primarily because I hope keep parasites a bay!!!! I do weekly water changes.. So parameters (chemistries are doing great.)

thaks again
I think for a brackish tank you need to use marine salt.

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