Alright, last year around october or november (i dont recall) i received a royal blue copper hm female free with the purchase of another unrelated fish. she was very small probably only 4 months old, but i saw an oviposture and know it was a girl. being as small as she was she survived in my female betta community up until she got bigger and developed a problem with aggression (which pretty much ruined my community). now i dont check my girls for an ovi posture regularly, i check when i get them and thats it, but resently i noticed that this girl no log has hers...
i didn't think anything of it (nor did i connect her agression problems with it) but now she is blowing bubble nests after being placed in view of a female
she is displaying all the mateing habits of a male and appears to be very defensive toward anything that enters her box (includeing me). i know that female bettas have been knwon to blow bubble nests but never have i every seen a female so agressive and defensive of a nest. my only conclusion is that she has become a male. has anyone ever heard of something like this happening?
NOTE: i did see an ovi posture on her at some point i remember. and i have contacted the breeder of teh fish to let them know what had happend, and they are just as puzzled, none of teh other fish from that spawn seem to show these odd symptoms. they did send me a photo of teh fish before it was shipped to me (obviously they catalog all their fish before selling them
) and i saw an ovi posture! im very confused, anyone wanna shine some light on this situation for me, i cant find a whole lot on the .net about this

NOTE: i did see an ovi posture on her at some point i remember. and i have contacted the breeder of teh fish to let them know what had happend, and they are just as puzzled, none of teh other fish from that spawn seem to show these odd symptoms. they did send me a photo of teh fish before it was shipped to me (obviously they catalog all their fish before selling them