Ever Had Fish Go Missing?

Not fish but recently all 5 shrimp went missing, I checked literally everywhere - filter, decor, even outside the tank.

Looks like the aliens in my tank like shrimp.
Loosing a Common Pleco? Surly thats like having the Empire State building removed over night lol.

Well its been a few days and 2 days ago the numbers went to 9 and one with a damaged tail. Yesterday the one with the damaged tail had gone. I had two Tiger Barbs in the tank left from when i first set the tank up, but we all thought they were brain dead as they were not interested in anything, though the tank was heavily planted with a lot of hiding places, after cutting back the plants and a move around is when the disappearing acts started. I think the Tiger Barbs had gone back to school and realised how to kill again.... So i have had to remove them for the better good of the tank.

And there was me thinking i had brain dead Tiger Barbs or had managed to get away with them :(

Congrats on your Kribs!
I had a hill stream loch and a few neons I fount a veritbrae from a fish ( not the hill stream or. Neons) it was too big for them :(
They may be appearing in my tank!
I swear I only bought 10 fish from the store a couple of months ago, and then after a week I could only ever count 6 or 7 of them.

Then I found a dead body and assumed the rest had died as well.

Then the rest turned up again and was back up to 9

Then another body turned up.

And then I counted them last weekend and there are now 10 again!!
Once lost a neon tetra or two myself, but then again I had stocked according to BiOrb and LFS advice, so that was probably the source of the issue.
1 platy and 1 algae eater missing, search everywhere inside outside the tank didn't find anything. I had a sick platy died recently when I came home I saw the other fish were eating it but at least I see a body, the other 2 I didn't see anything at all.
Oh boy, I just came home and a female platy is missing :/
She was perfectly fine and I saw her before going to work this morning.
I lost a cory catfish and a snail a week or two ago. They were both stuck in my root decoration which is a labrynth of holes. i got them both out and the snail was fine but the cory catfish had ripped himself up pretty badly and we thought he was dead. Then after we took him out we saw a little bit of life left in him so we put him back in. After a while he was breathing really good and doing a little wiggle once in a while but his back end was pale so we thought he had lost blood flow there. He was doing really good and then he suddenly went stiff and stopped breathing :-( :byebye: :rip: I am sorry this post went on so long. I just had to get it out of me.
They may be appearing in my tank!
I swear I only bought 10 fish from the store a couple of months ago, and then after a week I could only ever count 6 or 7 of them.

Then I found a dead body and assumed the rest had died as well.

Then the rest turned up again and was back up to 9

Then another body turned up.

And then I counted them last weekend and there are now 10 again!!

Sorry, I LOL'd at this. Excellent. :)
lol ive just lost 5 neon's 2 vanished 3 floating with no head's or tail's yet they ave been in the tank for over 8month now :/ only thing in with them is xray tera's scissortails redtail shark blue 3 spotted gourami
A male Betta, to this day it has never been found, (and this was a few years ago!).
Just got home from a weekend away. Thought everything was fine but I am missing a Rosy Barb. I keep thinking he'll turn up but so far he's remained hidden/eaten lol
Update: Just found a bit of rosy barb in some filter sponge. How he got there I don't know. RIP!

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