Ever Had Fish Go Missing?



I have had a tank clean out today, sorting the plants and cleaning up the wood to try kill of the BBA. And after sitting down to give the tank a view whilst working i noticed my group of 13 neon tetras have decreased to 10.........................

I have checked my filter, as i did take off the spray bar to clean and thought maybe they had a little swim into there for a look. No nothing there.
And i know i checked my buckets before chucking them out to make sure i had not taken one of the small fish by accident.

Any chance something has snacked on them over the past few days?

Anyone else ever had a fish or two disappear?
Once, after I cleaned my tank, I was missing one out of 3 clown loaches....
I still don't know where he went :/

Sad to hear your story, maybe a tank mate ate it...
I lost one of my five ~2cm Leopard Bushfish in the summer of 2010, not long after they were introduced to my Rio240, still no idea to this day what happened.
My 2 kribs have gone missing, cant find them anywhere :S
Turns out the females in a cave with eggs

Right at the back of the tank :D
Yep me too. Done some maintenance and rescaping last week and have lost a green barb can't find him anywhere checked the buckets lifter my wood my filter cannot find him anywhere I've accepted the fact now that he's almost definatlet guna be dead where ever he is I'm gutted about it as he was 1 of the biggest I had
yep lost a small keyhole over a year ago, could not see him in the tank, so took all plants out sifted through the sand and found nothing, no remains or anything. he was in there 2 days before and was fine, still to this day i wonder where he got to. I reckon aliens are abducting our fish :hyper:
I lost 3 cardinal tetras over the weekend 2 weeks ago, but they were sick so I'm guessing they died and were eaten.
Turns out the females in a cave with eggs

Right at the back of the tank :D

Congrats! Mine are currently herding their young around the tank, very entertaining watching them take turns in guarding and trying to bite any nearby barbs!

I reckon aliens are abducting our fish :hyper:

I think that in some cases, this could be genuinely true
Check behind and outside the tank. Had a fish jump out through the cut out on the cover around the filter. :-( SH
Exactly the same thing happened to me when I had only 5 glowlight tetras in. Within an hour of doing a water change I looked and 1 had completely gone missing. Still never shown up 'til this day. Then I added 5 neon tetras and exactly the same thing happened again
Yep, I've had it this very week - one of my Sparkling Gourami is gone! I noticed that I only had 5 last week (they're aways at the front watching me) and after that was the case for a couple of days, I assumed she was dead somewhere and I'd find her when I did my big clean out at the weekend - NOPE, nowhere to be found. She is just gone. I've checked all round the tank too to see if she jumped out but nothing.

I can only assume she died and my GBR ate her but it does seem a lot for one quite small GBR to have eaten and leave no trace behind at all. She was one of the smaller Sparklers but I still don't think small enough to go into GBR mouth all in one.
I also had a danio jump out of a tank through a very small cut-out section for the filter cable! Searched all round tank and floor. Found the poor thing dried up behind the PC printer 8( Another danio jumped up and got wedged behind the internal filter - now I stuff filter floss around it to stop that happening to the tetra. I no longer bother to stock danio!
I actually had a common pleco go missing. To this day I don't know where ... never found any hint of remains. Anywhere. Inside or out the tank.
Also two otos. Put them in the tank one day, the next they were gone. Both of them. I like the alien theory.

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