Ever Had A Fish Hate You?


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
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Edmonton, Canada
Yeah that is right, he hates me!
I bought a new fire eel (such a cutie!) and I was setting up a new hiding spot for him. The Jar normally stays on the other side of the tank when I stick my hand in and it normally the rays that come and investigate. So, anyways, I was doing my business keeping a eye on the little bugger and HE CHARGED me!
Out ripped my hand. Then he was going back and forth in front of me like to say, "Yeah that is right, I am the boss here!"
Stoopid fish, my husband is the only one keeping me from beheading it!
Oh yeah and now I can't find my eel. I know that they are nocturnal, but are they good hiders?
:lol: got to love the attitude on jardini's, i keep a big stick next to the tank for keeping mine away when i have to do maintainance on its tank :X

Fire eels will bury in the sand if they are frightened but if it was a small one the rays could have made a wormy snack out of it.
hehe, come to think of it, well it was last night, anyways my flyer cichlids have laid eggs again (they should really remane these guys to water rabbits) anyways they laid them next to the pump so when i was cleaning the pump out last night the male was getting really agitated and trying to bite my hand. anyway i stooped over the tank and the bloody thing jumped out of the water, trying to bite my face, it went flying, missed my head by about an inch and landed on the floor. hes ok now though :lol: does it again and he wont be! :p

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