

New Member
Nov 5, 2002
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MY tank is loosing a lot of water from evaporation.. It seems like an abnormal amount. But this is my first tank, so i dont know. HELP??
how much is a lot, and how much lighting do you have in your tank! tubes and watts plus size tank 2ft 3 ft 4ft etc
Luke said:
MY tank is loosing a lot of water from evaporation.. It seems like an abnormal amount. But this is my first tank, so i dont know. HELP??
Do you have a cover glass that occupies the entire width & length of the aquarium, Luke? If not, then your first order of business would be to get one fitted. Most severe cases of evaporation are due to a tank that has no lid.

If you do have a lid, then consider the aquarium's position. Is it in a sunny, or hot place? Do you have a lot of lighting within close proximity? Perhaps excess heat is your downfall here.

The more details you provide us with, the better we can assist you. Start by affording us the following information...

1) What size aquarium are you utilising?
2) Does the aquarium have a cover lid?
3) How much lighting are you using?
4) How warm is the area in which you have placed the aquarium?
5) What creatures are currently residing in your aquarium?

If you can provide us with these intracacies, we could help you far better.
1. 37 gallon eclipse 1ft*3ft*3ft
2. it has a lid
3. the light is on maybe an hour a day 18 watt
4. room temp is probably 68-82
5. i have 7 zebra danios

little sunlight gets in the room. the tank is in the basement though..... i have two tubes going to two 6 inch airstones
Evaporation is common and the amount of evaporationdepends on how well the lid covers the tank, humidity level inside and outside of tank are the main things that will cause this.

If your tank lid fits tightly around the tank there should be less evaporation. If the lid fits loose and it is pretty warm in or arond the tank the water may / will evaporate. It is pretty common at least here with my tanks to have to add water / top off weekly before water change is even due. Yet I keep the house / tanks warm and not all are completely covered.

Mostly adults and jumpers. (prevents suicide) most fry tanks stay topless and evaporate faster.

The fish have really nothing to do with it, lighting plays a role and i would suggest leaving it on alittle longer than an hour a day. If there is some natural sunlight getting to the tank there is not much need to have lights on longer. But, if there is no sunlight getting to tank I would suggest at least 6-8 hours.
Your fish I am sure would also enjoy and benefit from the extra hours of light. The tank needs a minimun amount of light to stay healthy.

I recomened and have mine 12 on 12 off. During breeding times I go 2 hours either way. Less light / More light. This encourages breeding along with proper conditioning, climate, etc.

Hope this Helps,

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