Evaporation Control


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
I have noticed a little evaporation in my tank since saturday having the lights on.
Is there a way to control it a little better without havig to buy an auto top up (cant afford it at the moment)
Also will it evaporate and show in my main display? Is it best to add water to the sump or direct in the display? Also is it just RO water Im adding not salted?

Sorry agai for somany questions!
You can't stop evaporation but heat from the lighting or any splashes will obviously reduce the water level.

You top up with plain RO and NOT salt. Water evaporates but salt remains constant. By adding salt water you will just whack your salinity right up, shocking all the fish and inverts.

By the way weeza. Do you sleep?......Your doing around 50 posts a day. Everytime I come on here you've added about 20-30 posts.

Spend some time with yer other half!....He get lonely! lol
maybe blow a fan across the water to slow the evaporation down a tad, or as you are so good at diy why not look into building your own auto top up unit
Haha he don't care! Im working during the day but get bored so pop on which I shouldn't but I have free internet on my phone lol!

I will vacate the site then shall I! Or create a new account to ask questions on haha!

Sorry for asking so much I just keep thinking of things and it just seems so quiet here I thought people would like something to answer!

I knew I couldn't really stop it lol! Is it better to do daily top ups then? Will I cause problems adding the RO to the tank directly? Just if I add to the sump the sump level will then rise!

haha I have seen a detailed way to make your own and I could possibly follow it but would no way want to risk it! haha Im just too scared
It wont matter where you add it, you can make a mark on the sump with a marker so you know where the ideal water line is and then top up to this line.
I just pour the RO down the weir so it gets warmed by going through the sump, maybe I'm bad but it's so little water it surely can't hurt. You will always see the water drop in the last chamber of the sump as everything in the tank circulation wise is constant, where you would normally have your return pump, but can't remember what your set up is exactly. So first problem will be return pump sucking in air.
Oh so it goes from the sump? My sump hads no baffles! :D
Why does it go from the sump and no main display? I cant work that out?
what goes from your sump?? am confused now, the water is evaporating from the main display but you top up into the sump i think
If I top up the sump but it evaporates from the display doesn't that just mean I end up with more water in the sump?
If your sump relies on an over flow system then no, the level in the display will rise.
I have a pipe going out the back of the tank to the sump, gravity fed but controlled by a ball valve so the water runs higher that the hole. The ball valve is leveled off so the same amount of water is going in and back out by the return pump so I am trying to understand how if the same amount is going in as out the level reduces in the sump?
Sorry if I am being thick!
Right im signing off for the night now :sad: I just cant take this anymore!

Me and my awesome tasty torch are leaving :grr:

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