

Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2003
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Flagstaff, Arizona
our local forest service has told everyone here (in northern az) to plan an evacuation, just in case. so my question is simple, what would you do if you had to evacuate, would you try to net all your fish and stick them in buckets, or would you just leave them? its not a simple question, im just trying to think of what i would do- expecially with the 12'' oscar :( :/
get a bucket, a heater water from the tank put the oscar in it, get his food, and some gravel and some ammo-lock so that way u dont need to worry a lot about ammonia. mm lets see what more, we have the bucket,water,gravel,ammo-lock, the heater...get some stress coat so when u do water changes u declorinate the water, and.... the food, i think thats all, how many fishes do you have?
i have the oscar, 2 common plecos (each about 12-14in), then my 30 gal comunity with about 20 or so fish, 2- 10 gals with guppy fry, another 10 gal with 5 female betas, then a 15 gal with more guppies and crawdad. i also have a small pond with some goldfish in it as well. i dont think i have enough buckets, or enough heaters for all of them...
wow...that makes it a little bit.....different..... well... wheres the place to evacuate and why? if its not tooo long the only thing that comes to my mind is to get 2 or 3 buckets and put 3 fish in each bag..... and put them properly the bags in the buckets , can you find a place that sells something similar a bucket and a mini tub? sort of a big bucket?
Very Very large coolers. Brand new. the insulation should help you out quite a bit. battery operated air pumps. Past that it's hard to say what more you could do.
im assuming since you live in az and its summer you are being asked to plan evac due to fire conditions. more then likely even if you do evacuate your house should be fine. i would get vacation feeders for your smaller tanks and then use dolores bucket idea for the really big special fish you couldnt stand to lose just in case.
I could never leave the fish behind. Most people would say, "It's just fish" but we would disagree. I've always wondered what to do if my house caught fire since I have a zoo. How could I safely get me and my family, a dog, 3 cats, 2 hamsters, a rabbit, 3 snakes, a turtle, a lizard, a toad, a hermit crab, fish, and ADF's out in time? Good luck if it happens!
thanx all of you. i think i will go with the large coolers, i hadnt thought of that (thank you sky042), that way i can use them for other things as well. and yes it would be in case of a forest fire, im not sure where we would be evacuated to, it depends on where the fire is. i dont have quite as much to worry about as you do PETsMARTchick, i only have 2dogs, a cat, a rat, and the fish (but i would have many more if my mom would let me)

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