Well, last night my boyfriend and I decided to go to the pet store in town to see if they had any methelane blue (sp?) and the first place had nothing, but then we found another pet store!!!!! so we decided to give it a try, i have to say, their tanks were spotless, not one sick looking fish!! even their betta cups were so perfectly clean, i commented on them and the lady said they change their water about 2 or 3 times a day.
annnnd, they have something called "fringe tail" betta, which i think looks like crown tails, are they the same thing?
well, i fell in love with a white/purple marble fringe tail, and i think my boyfriend will be buying him today for me for my birthday, keep my fingers crossed, if not, i will go get him myself!!
But we asked the girl if she knew anything about fish, she knew lots, and she told us that if it is an external problem, you can treat it, but if it is internal it is very difficult to even know what it is, you can treat the water for the external things, like fin rot etc, but a fish is designed not to let water in, thus the internal things wrong with a fish can't get medicated if you treat the water, only if you have medicated food. I think my poor sick fishy might not get better. he is even worse than before.
My boyfriend asked the girl about euthenasia, it's so hard to watch him slowly starve himself to death, and she said the most humane and nonpainful way of euthenasia is alka seltzer. apparently you put a tablet in the bowl and it fizzes. the fish, she said, would be euthenized in 20 or 30 seconds with no pain. but i still don't know if i can do that.
has anyone ever had to do this to their fish before? if so, how did you?
annnnd, they have something called "fringe tail" betta, which i think looks like crown tails, are they the same thing?
well, i fell in love with a white/purple marble fringe tail, and i think my boyfriend will be buying him today for me for my birthday, keep my fingers crossed, if not, i will go get him myself!!
But we asked the girl if she knew anything about fish, she knew lots, and she told us that if it is an external problem, you can treat it, but if it is internal it is very difficult to even know what it is, you can treat the water for the external things, like fin rot etc, but a fish is designed not to let water in, thus the internal things wrong with a fish can't get medicated if you treat the water, only if you have medicated food. I think my poor sick fishy might not get better. he is even worse than before.
My boyfriend asked the girl about euthenasia, it's so hard to watch him slowly starve himself to death, and she said the most humane and nonpainful way of euthenasia is alka seltzer. apparently you put a tablet in the bowl and it fizzes. the fish, she said, would be euthenized in 20 or 30 seconds with no pain. but i still don't know if i can do that.
has anyone ever had to do this to their fish before? if so, how did you?