New Member
I'm a relatively new fish keeper & I need some advice. I have a dwarf gourami with one pop eye that I am almost sure that he got as a result of an altercation with another aggressive fish. (Other fish was frequently aggressive towards DG). No other fish has it; we do regular water changes; and our water quality is good. The problem is that DG has eating problems. He used to eat enormous amounts. And now he's trying so hard to eat but he just cant see. He keeps opening and closing his mouth to catch food but it floats right by him. We try separating him to feed him but we get mixed results. It's also not always possible to drop food into his mouth. I dont mind trying to medicate him but will he get his sight back? I dont want him to suffer by starving to death. What should I do? I'm considering euthanizing him with clove oil but I am open to other suggestions. Please advise.