Euthanised Potato Tonight


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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Potato has dropsy. It's the second time in a couple of months. The first time we treated it and we saved him. This time we've tried and tried and all we've managed to do is slow it he's pine coning really really slowly. One of his gills swelled up really big, and he's not really eating or doing much so I finally said we need to do something.

Jace is putting him down now. I couldn't watch. I hate dropsy. It looks so painful and uncomfortable and horrible. I know I wouldn't like it if my skin started pine coning.

I can't stop crying! Seriously...only me and five year olds cry this much over fish. He was my fishie baby though. He was really really really stupid (hence the name) but insanely pretty at one time.

I hate hate dropsy
awwww poor potato, sounds like you've done the right thing though :)
I am sorry to hear about Potato. What a great name! I cannot imagine having a betta with the dropsy because unlike other illness most people cannot fix it, i heard it was hard to fix.

Don't worry about crying. I had a betta that was a pretty little DT I named Mister Fish and he suddenly died one day. I cried more than a little girl, so don't feel too bad. It was the first time I have lost any water monster to an illness that I was aware of.

Poor, poor Potato fish.
so sorry for your loss , dont feel silly crying , i have cried every time we have had to euthanase or have had a fish die , its not being silly , its being an amazing loving owner , dont ever feel silly for that :rip:

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