Eupterus Catfish


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
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Can anyone please tell us if a synodontis eupterus catfish is a suitable catfish for a community aquarium and what their nature is?
They'll eat very small fish but are otherwise peaceful. They also appreciate having a piece of driftwood or a cave in which to hide. Also, make sure the tank is big enough as it won't do well in a tiny, crowded, community tank.
I have a Syno Eupterus in my community tank, hes larger than all the other fish i keep in there but hes harmless and likes to hide in a cave all day, he sometimes squabbles with my upside down catfish (whose a lot smaller in comparison) over resting spots in the cave but nothing menacing or too aggressive, they are nocturnal so if you have hiding spots dont be surprised if you dont see him much during the day. I have Cardinals in my tank (quite small fish about between 1-2 inches) and my Syno (whose about 8 inches or so) would definitly be able to pop one in his mouth if he wanted to, but that hasnt happened and ive not seen any aggressive chasing from him either.

The Syno will grow quite large, and they can live for about 30yrs or so. Its likely i'll have to rehome mine in another tank with larger fish at some point, however if you dont have that option then dont buy him unless you are keeping him in a community tank of large fish, my experience is they grow quite fast in relation to how long they live.

Hope that helps
Depends on tank size really. I have alot of synos, most of whom live together. And they can grow really fast. They love lots of hiding places and plenty of swimming space. They have fry in the tank with them and endlers. They've never touched or tried to touch any. But they do move real fast when they're having a mad moment and should a slow mover get in the way it can be disasterous. My gold nugget was caught in between some vigerous play and panicked. He got himself stuck and died. :sad:
And they are a long term fish. Not something to be taken on lightly. Personally I adore them but there are smaller alternatives, such as Petricola which doesn't grow as fast nor get as big. Also tends to be slower moving and very peaceful.
I love the syno eupterus. I got my first one when I was ten (fifteen years ago) and lost him about four years ago in a power outage (winter-Detroit bad combo). I've had another for about 3.5yrs now. I think they are great fish and have personally have had very few problems with them. I have housed a six incher successfully with a 10inch oscar, no problems. I had the same fish in a live bearer tank with tons of corys, no problems.

Only fish that didn't work -one very territorial pleco


p.s. my ghost shrimp never lasated more than 48hrs? :hey:

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