

The indecisive one
Aug 16, 2008
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Rayleigh Essex. UK
I have a torch coral with 2 heads one comes out and is lovely but can't get the other head to come out. I have moved it to different positions but no luck. Any ideas as to what might wrong ???
if it looks healthy give it time! its probably stresed from moving around. no more moving! kk itll come out when its ready to. thats all i can say with my knowledge sry
Check water quality, flow and lighting. With regards flow and lighting differences exist across the coral depending on location. You say you have moved it around but how long is it left in any one location?

I had only turned it once, but one head has now completely died off the other one is really heathly and looks lovely.
Think its just one of those things :( All water tests are fine.
sometimes the heads do die off because of the stress of moving.
sometimes the heads also grow back.
i've got a hammer that had 6 heads on it, but the one in the middle receeded completely. There are now around 8 tiny heads on the edge of the skeleton where the old head was.

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