Estimated Cost Of Marine Tank


Sep 23, 2007
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I've been reading up on Marine Tanks. I read they cost alot more than freshwater, and I was thinking, how much do they really cost??? I realize size, quality, high tech/ low tech, FO/FOWLR/Reef, sump/ no sump all come into play. However, can you all tell me your setup and the costs (Tank setup only, but i realize tanks are setup different (at least lighting and current) for coral and all that). Thanks

P.S. One day I hope to build like a 200 gallon Reef tank with a sump. How much would one of these cost (rough estimate of course) with like a sump (whats the size ratio of tank: sump anyways. Been curios), 200lb live rock, live sand, 3 powerheads for 20x water turnover, high quality lighting for corals(metal hilasdionefiof (cant remember exactly), RO unit.


I have just set up a 600 litre tank with skimmer, filter, live rock etc for an estimated £2000 with the price still rising.

There are many things to consider like a RO unit £100, refractometer £50, salt £40 and all these little things add up as i have found out. I wouldn't let this put you off though as its the best bit of money i have ever spent and i cant reccommend a marine tank enough.

Good luck mate! :good:
I set up a two foot and a 30" tank for about £200 all in.

The end cost depends a lot on what you want. FO and FOWLR are much cheaper than reef. Hell, a FO only costs as much as salt and a hydrometer more than a community FW
really don't wanna think about it!!

but for my 1 year old 24g Nano i reckon i've spent probably £700+
that includes the tank, external filter, foods, fish, corals, live rock etc...... -_-

for your 200 gallon, you've got to be looking at putting £2,000+ into it to get you started properly.
Well just for my current tank (55G Reef).... ~$1500.00.... this does not include the cost of the tank and the stand as I had them... plus I dont have a sump/refuge so that would prob ask another $300-$500 just for that.

Ox :crazy:
I probably spent $1000 on my hardware and LR for my 65g. Then again I did a LOT of DIY (sump, stand, drilling, topoff) and bought most of my components used to save on costs.
Would it be bad to jump right into a 200 gallon? I know you all say bigger is better, but is there a bit cheaper option to just learn what im doing? Maybe like a 55, no sump FOWLR. Then, after learning the basics go 200 reef with sump?
How handy are you? If you can do things like operate a drill, apply silicone, use a table saw, and a few other basic skills, I'd say go straight for the 200
If you can afoord it and keep up with the maintenance... def go for the big one right away

Ox :good:
My marine setup was a used one but still it has cost the higher end of £2000 and its a 100gallon.

I would guess that if you had a 200gallon reef tank with all new equimpent it would cost you about £4-5000 to get it into a fully furnished reef full of corals and fish.

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