Escape Artists?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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My 3 gals for the most part have gotten along pretty well, but there is occassional bitchiness. Lately though, Patsy, the smallest has been picking on Dolly and I put Patsy in the fry net until Dolly heals up. Also, I will be adding a 4th female soon and I am going to re-arrange the tank anyways...well let's just say it didn't take long for Patsy to figure out a way to escape! The next thing I know she is back swimming with Reba and Dolly again! It blew my mind how she could have gotten out...she must have gone over the top of the fry net between the tank cover :S So then I put Dolly in the fry net...couple of days later (today), Dolly has escaped the fry net too! And she's a lot bigger than Patsy (that's prob. why it took her longer to escape)...but geezums they're escape artists! What smart little minds they have! :p
Ever read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 'trilogy'?
Remember the part about the Earth actually being some sort of constructed computational experiment thingy, commissioned by mice?
At least, they appeared to be mice when extruding into dimensions perceptible to humans.
Now, were they, in reality, mice or - bettas?
Try saying the magic answer '42' to your little geniuses - and see if they give you the question.
Or if they simply bend reality and step through back into the net to evade answering.
Of course, if they're really smart, they'll pretend to not understand at all... :shifty:
they are truely escape atists. i had a divider debachle as im sure some of you have experienced...thought i did a good job installing it, but the fish knew differently!

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